The Swedish National Institute
The popular interest was aroused in the wake of the recent lawsuit brought against a power company Simon's father Stuholme, a British boy of 13 who died of leukemia in 1992. The complainant considered that the electromagnetic fields generated by high voltage lines of the company, installed near and below his home in Manchester, were responsible for the death of his son. His 12 year old daughter, Deborah, is also affected: Epileptic seizures have. The Swedish National Institute for Radiation has officially recognized the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields, especially the low frequency have on the human body. According to studies conducted by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm from more than 400,000 respondents, children living near overhead power lines suffer a fourfold increased risk of developing leukemia than other children. But despite the evidence, there are still many groups that try to downplay these investigations, especially the powerful corporations, state or private, maintaining control energy sources, and of course, manufacturers of appliances.
However, accumulating articles and papers published in scientific journals from several countries that show the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves on human health. According to these investigations, in which Spanish scientists have been pioneers, the greatest danger posed by television. These devices not only cause eye problems who are placed too close to the screen, or a mental inertia due to programming: also emit strong magnetic fields such as long-lasting light bulbs or computer screens. We are doing the warning of the importance of being attentive to electromagnetic radiation and as she physically can affect our physical body and often give way to energy imbalances that affect our body, deterioration, affecting to the extent as to cause said death.
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