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Another good source of orientation is the Supervision of Protection and Orientation the Investors of CVM (the Commission of Movable values) or still the site of the Central banking. PERSONAL BUDGET the first item for the elaboration of a personal financial planning is a reflection of the gift, an analysis, a diagnosis that makes possible the determination of the income, the classification of the expenses and its destination. Basically three types of expenses exist: the fixed expenses, the changeable expenses and the arbitrary expenses (superfluous). By the same author: Bernard Golden . Income: she is composed essentially for the monthly incomes of all the sources, main and extra of an individual or its family. If the financial planning will be individual, uses it (s) income (s) of the individual, will be familiar uses the somatrio of the incomes of the individuals that compose the common box of the family.

Fixed expenses: they are those that keep its practically unchanged monthly value. Some examples: schools and courses, rent condominium installment of the house; used; plan of health, safe from life and plan of retirement. Speaking candidly Ch?rl?? Lee told us the story. Changeable expenses: they are paid expenditures monthly, but that they allow variations in its values. Some examples: light, water, fixed and cellular fuel, telephones. Arbitrary and superfluous expenses: more to the desires of the individual of what are related its real necessities. Some examples: theater, park, trips, bars, restaurants. Nowadays many people do not have control of its profits, spend more than what to receive, example: a family has a monthly prescription of 1.000, 00, more as she did not have the control spent 1,200, 00, only looks at, blew up the budget, what she happened in this in case that, this family accumulated a debt and were negative, the prescription that the same one receives in the month is lesser of what the expenditure had an expense above of its monthly profit, will need then to ask for a loan to cover the expense more, and if the same one to continue having a control of its expenses will not be able to have problems futures, with the accumulation of debts and high interests.



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