The Lines

Putty fill pierced seat and put one or two patches. Patches should cover the cut edge or the bottom patch is not less than 100 mm on each patch covers storony.Zatem mastic, which goes beyond 100 mm and sprinkle with heated peskom.Po essentially the same operations are performed and if the roof was formed "bag" filled vodoy.Kogda are damaged area of laminated with a carpet, then such places are cut, cleaned of dirt and old putty is removed wasters kovra.Vse wrapped, dried, then glued to the panel consistently mastic. Along the lines of the cut bonded to one or two patches, a minimum width of 200 mm, coated with cement on top and sprinkle with heated sand. Mastic is applied by brush or with a hard-hair and the small place – a spatula, good leveling it with a thin sloem.Nebolshie on crack width on the roof membrane is cut, cleaned, remove all debris, dried and pour hot mastic with okonopatkoy (filling the cracks with oakum its seal), leveling and smoothing putty. Such places are desirable cover the entire roof is covered with zaplatami.Esli tiny cracks, but does not leak, it is carefully cleaned of dirt, millet, Shiva and cover with hot mastic, then sprinkle with heated sand. Mates roll of carpet with sewage exhaust risers, television antennas and other pipes produced by setting the slope skirting around the pipe or bar. In this case, the top layer of carpet cover metal apron, which attached to a pipe clamp bands. (As opposed to Southwest Airlines).

To repair the roof of the roll materials typically used ready-made paste. Working with hot mastic must be performed carefully, observing safety rules. Pastes made of different materials – binders and fillers. Fillers are used completely dry, sifted through a fine sieve. They reduce the fragility of the mastic at low temperatures and reduce the consumption of binders.

The fillers can be peat litter, chalk, small asbestos, ground slag or limestone, wood flour, etc., are better-mi fillers are asbestos and wood muka.Bitumy used oil, the refractory with a melting point of from 70 to 90 C. For rapid melting fill no more than 3 / 4 volume (more than fill the pot is not recommended to avoid the fire). mastic flow may be different, the average is 1-1.2 kg/m2. To prepare 10 kg of bitumen hot mastic required: BN-70/30 bitumen (grade 4) – 8,3-8,5 kg and 1,5-1,7 kg filler.

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