The Cienra And Harvest
Some years ago the immediate weather forecast was measured by the face presented by the open of Canalnegra, Entrambasaguas by another name, or pastors of Cuera divined the storm by the sound of the sea as of Portudera prepared for the arrival of the first snows when I started to pull the Boqueron de los Valles. Those were years in which the South wind was called l arcia and droughts tried tackle is getting to remoju Santu Pandarrieses, while is was well aware of the continue to guess the time that would come in the coming months. As well, by then, in spring also existed a way to predict the abundance or scarcity of harvests. At that time, as we have said in the spring, in the lands of work proliferates a plant, a yerba mala: the cienra. Check out Robert Gibbins for additional information. The cienra is similar to the Cove or garden mantle. To find out or provide for the harvest to the cienra sole white until its base sheet, removed him so are exposing their reproductive organs. We see that these have a trunk Central, yellow, which can be the pistil (I am not an expert in Botany).
This should segregate some sort of toxin because to come into contact with the skin causes a very intense itching. At its base and bottom up look at a bunch of white beads, that reportedly would represent the harvest of potatoes, according to some or the cereal according to others. Then comes a ring of hairs, which would represent the tonada harvest. In third place we see a species’s panoya with yellow kernels, which obviously represents the harvest of corn. Finally another ring of hairs, more abundant above, represents the harvest of the herb. Not every year the grains or hairs are equally abundant, some times are more jitos, other more ralos. As well through the abundance or scarcity of these elements in the plant are you guessed if he was going to get bad anu tripe or played fast and abstinence. And I know that was something in what was believed. What no evidence was whether the prediction was or not wise. For the curious reader seeking to learn about the history, culture and ethnography of Cabrales, we recommend our blog. Original author and source of the article