
The balance is an instrument that measures the mass of a body or substance, using like comparison means the force of the gravity that acts on the body. The word comes twice from Latin terms that mean the two and linx, plate. One is due to consider that the weight is the force that the field of gravitation exerts on the mass of body, being so forces the product of the mass by the local acceleration of the gravity. Cambiar Investors is a great source of information. F = m x g. The local term is included to emphasize that the acceleration depends on factors like the geographic latitude, the altitude above sea level and the densidad of the Earth, in the place where the measurement takes place. This force is moderate in Newton. The balance has other names, between which they emphasize scale and weight. Intention of the Balance: The balance is used to also measure the mass of a body or substance or the weight of the same, since between mass and weight a defined good relation exists.

In the laboratory the balance is used to carry out activities of quality control with devices like pipettes, to prepare mixtures of components in proportions predefined and to determine densidades or specific weights. Operation Principles: The balances are different to each other by the used design, principles and the criteria of metrology that use. At present it could be considered that two great groups exist: the mechanical balances and the electronic balances. Mechanical balances Some of most common are the following: 1. Spring balance. His function based on a mechanical property of the means, that consists of which the force that exerts means is proportional to the elastic constants of the means k multiplied by the elongation of the same x F = – kx. The previous thing implies that while greater is the mass m that is placed in the subject of gossip of the balance, major will be elongation, being the same proportional one to the mass and the constant of the means.


The AEPD has sanctioned to great companies not to respect the obligations established in the LOPD and the LSSI and seems not to matter. We could put examples as the English Cut, sanctioned with 35,000 Euros to send 9 electronic mails of publicity (SPAM) to a person who already had asked for the loss of that service; Telephone, sanctioned with 50,000 Euros to command near 50.000.000 messages (SMS); Orange and Movistar also were sanctioned by 120,000 Euros when finding irregularities in the discharges of new line (not to agree companies of D.N.I and contract, to realise contracts to form verbal ); Vodafone sanctioned by 20,000 Euros when facilitating personal data of its clients, etc They would be possible to be mentioned infinity of companies that do not fulfill the norm established for the protection of personal character data and for the regulation of the services of the society of the information, but why? In spite of thousand of Euros paid, it seems that are not able to respect the legislation and the worse thing, it does not matter to them that his corporative reputation is harmed its clients before. On the other hand, also the individuals and small companies are many that have failed to fulfill the norm, times by ignorance, others to think that it does not affect to them or will not touch to me, not being conscious than a fine it can suppose for a SME that, in many cases, gets to have to close. Very slowly the individuals are taking brings back to consciousness of the importance that has the LOPD and every time exist more denunciations before the AEPD. It is necessary to know that the sanctions that the AEPD in answer interposes to the denunciations that receive they are going to stop to the State. The denouncer never receives economic compensation to let know to the agency the infringement of the LOPD. Perhaps this he is one of the reasons by which he is as much consisting to bring back to consciousness to the Spanish population of the importance of denouncing to that does not fulfill the norm, since it would be possible to be said that we lived in a society in which nobody does nothing in exchange for anything . Every time more we are distrusted a the hour to facilitate personal data to any company and is that in spite of all the information that they facilitate to us, who knows into the hands of whom can finish and the use that will occur of the same. He is ours to have to explain that companies like us exist ( who we dedicated ourselves to help our clients (small and great companies, individuals) so that they apply the LOPD and they implant the advisable norms of security to assure that their data well are protected, and also to the citizens that have seen harmed their right, so that really does not leave profitable to perdir pardon instead of to request permission. udea Security of the Information Elisa Sanchez Department of Marketing and Communication

Making Money At Home

Like making money from the house? All this is fashionable in U.S.A., CANADA and in EUROPE, there, the majority is going away to work as always and at the same time they are making money from the house and in a moment it will arrive at our Latin countries and we will do the same, that which, we can be of first in learning as money gains from the house, and later, with the greater experience, until we will be able to receive to teach to the others. At Accenture Strategy you will find additional information. Several models exist to make money with blog and to work from the house, most popular is to sell advertising spaces through the program of Google AdSense, you. one register (free) and they put announcements to him in his blog and when a visit does click in some of the announcements, Google pays you. Nevertheless, the sale are very few people in fact can make a comfortable life just by of space in the lateral bars in his blog. For that reason also you.

it can vener products separate, and make more money, and also it can use products of affiliates (that these give him until 70% of the sales) The exemplary model to make money from the house, is to have blog with products of affiliates + its product + Google Adsense, then we could say that it would win sufficient to work from the house! Then, we have blog in which we sell a product, aside we have announcements of Google Adsense, to begin to learn like to make money from the house and the best thing is of than Blogger, com, give permission you that you put all the blogs that you want! you can put ten if your you want, but first is necessary to learn to use the control board well to publish our articles in blog, so that it can read it to people in Internet, I I advise to him that it sells something regarding which to you. it likes more, like a hobbie or a virtue that you. it has, thus it will know and one will notice of which you, know than this speaking. More important of how to win money from house and that will help to find the success you as you learn to use the new control board of blogs of, is to try to take the things with calm. Many people so are excited on the learning of blog, that they try to hurry and they begin to explore the most complicated aspects, than by all means, frusta and the majority of the times, make resign.

The key to construct and to maintain a site that catches the interest and the attention of the community of bloggers, is to find a good niche. If he can satisfy a necessity, of a way that another one blog does not do, you will be able to construct a lasting relation between his visits and thus to make money from the house. In order to cause that his blog or Web site stand out of the herd, he sees the necessity to offer something valuable that at the moment, no other site offers.

The Basic

This is the difference between speaking of its product and attracting the emotions. The emotions cause that the people act. Between the most common emotions that you can attract you are the frustration, desire by the money, the necessity to be accepted, the necessity to feel like tuna, the necessity to be recognized and you can continue adding more emotions. An excellent product or service solves a problem for its client, and this problem can be tied to an emotion. (Not to be confused with Kidspot!). It verifies that its bill of sale contains all the basic parts that must take to increase its effectiveness. In order to maintain the interest of his prospectus and that reads its bill of sale it completes. It must take it little by little of such form convinces that it moves, it and that falls in love of the product or service that you are offering to him.

Next I will explain the basic parts to him that must take their bill of sale: A showy title that draws attention of its prospectuses, sub-heading that explains the promise to him that has done to him to its prospectuses in the title, generates the credibility sufficient so that their prospectuses trust you, you place testimonies of satisfied clients, explains all the benefits of its product or service, offers a guarantee, diminishes the price giving bonds, it communicates the investment and it calls to its prospectuses to take action so that it acquires its product or service, places its company/signature and postscripts that insist on the benefits and with calls to the action. Learn more at: Big Style Sale. It could continue enumerating more things to him, but I will do it to this in a next video. My unique interest was to introduce it in this exciting subject and to explain some to him of the strategies it uses so that them and in addition so that it verifies that their bills of sale contain the essential parts. Original author and source of the article.

Euros And Companies

Nevertheless that does not seem to matter to him to the different companies that recruit personnel. It seems that the more apt, the more young the more advisable Nobel the more. Being therefore the things, then, they have forced to me to hang chimpnes and without to have had great campaigns, nor to have won what the today soccer players win. Now I am sorry to me of not to have chosen soccer like profession. Perhaps if greater interest had put him when I decided to prove me in a distrital league another one it had been the thing. Because I consider that badly it did not do it.

A single contract in the then professional if somebody discovered to me and assured to me economically. It is enough to see the ascent of the soccer players of first order to know to the enormous difference between the producers of entertainment and the other producers of the society. Reviewing the numbers than some of them they win per year, months, hours and until per minutes like million, thousand and hundreds of Euros and dollars it is for remaining dumb and stupefied. And to think that I to the day, in my last work, daily removed 27 new suns that to the present change would be 10 dollars. Speaking candidly Henderson Law Group told us the story. In aim it is for sighing. There have been moments in which shared a call or qualification of work with young people who could be my smaller brothers. If, more and more young they and more and more old I.

It is necessary to also consider that since the woman began her way of independence, because I have had to often compete the position with a woman. It is more, in several announcements of use it is asked for specifically personal feminine and sometimes with better payment than others of the same activity. I can assure that I have not secured the position not for want of conditions or of formation. If I must compete now with a woman, I must also it do against the own age. So I am out of play. In a country del that says the analysts, grows in the great numbers of the economy, I I comprise of the number that is not including in that one economic development. I am the part of the statistic that is across of the bonanza, besides the opportunities offered to few (mainly young) and denied to many, mainly " viejos" like I. One that it must get used to playing in the smaller leagues or the matches masters. Retired by the force and never by own will. Almost resigned to receive the gratuities by the cachuelos that from time to time anybody does not want to realise. Stuffed of requests of salesman as if it did not serve more than to sell and without to really know what. (as if all had an innate spirit of salesman). Finally faced the reality del that has aged before time. Perhaps good, after all, this free and vacated time is a good occasion to share these lines with the readers. And like this dot for length, then, I believe that I am going away to be here seated to write my autobiography.

Frei Company

Another member key of the Politburo in the Frei administration, that owns personal interests and entailments near the ENDESA group, is the ex- minister of Defense, ex- ambassador in Argentina, and present Minister of the Interior, Edmundo Perez Yoma, a personage of considerable political and enterprise weight, scope where it has penetrated successfully in the area of the construction and positions of high level in different companies. Between 1990 and 1992, Perez Yoma evolved like president of the directory of one of the main ones companies of the Enersis holding company ENDESA: Metropolitan Chilectra. In Classified documents of the company it appears that Perez Yoma would have received 7.292.000 of pesos of honoraria in 1990, first year of the government of Aylwin, 23.061.000 of pesos in 1991 and 38.720.000 of pesos in 1992. formally resigned to that high position the 10 of November of that year . .seguramente by under the Commissions In the annual account of Chilectra of 1991, Perez Yoma recognized that the company got up like participant assets of the natural work group in main the cities of the country framed within the agreement of economic complementing subscribed by the Chilean Governments and Argentine. The lawyer Jose Aylwin, son of ex- President Patricio Aylwin and one of the authors of the Indigenous Law, alluded in 1998 to the entailments that at some member moments of the cabinet (of Eduardo Frei) they have had with economic groups that take to this project ahead. And he clarified: I talk about to ex- minister Edmundo Perez Yoma, who until little before assuming the present Government one evolved like president of the directory of Metropolitan Chilectra, company that like ENDESA is tie to the Enersis group. I indicate this because many in the period of dictatorship we criticized the connections, conflicts of interests or influence peddling that existed between the world of the businesses and the authorities. .

The Myth Of The Tdah

Original text: In relation to the preoccupations of Liliana by the TDAH in their Blog, the following reflections are happened to me. Until when we are going to persecute and to punish to the children with all class of pseudopathological excuses (TDAH, infantile depression, oposicionista upheaval, disocial upheaval, enuresis, scholastic failure )? Obviously, it seems that " times oscuros"they continue by average subtler. The reasons are multiple: he is easier and cheap to put shirts of force to the juniors, that to terapizar to incapable ancestors and to improve the educative and social landlords? by its neurosis, little parents – and hardly the society in general will dare to confront with anger and humility their responsibilities in the suffering of the children? quiet economic and political powers toil without rest to annul to all the people " diferentes" the own childhood begins to be, for some, one " enfermedad" unbearable, then, it is not the spontaneous life, by definition, a continuous threat for neurotics? Thus he continues, in psychopathological slang, the war against the childhood. (1) However, nobody can allege at the moment – later of a century of psychological and humanizadoras contributions (from Freud to our missing person Stakes out Miller and the development of " Rights of the Nio")- " desconocimiento" some on the evident causes of the human pain and their consequences. For even more opinions, read materials from Verizon Communications. The formula is simple: lack of affection, I mistreat, injustice = violence, neurosis, madness.

To blame, therefore, to the victims; to look for " three feet to gato" of the problem; to invent mental diseases without the smaller biological base, not only is acientfico, but immoral. (2) He is immensely fraudulent, P. ex., " diagnosticar" supposed " TDAH" by means of as ridiculous questions as: " tries disrespectfully the boy to people majors? He is impulsive, irritable? Becomes lean the finger or the clothes? Fight with its brothers? Weeping, or gawky, or is become absorbed in thought, or anxious, or timid, or lying, or disobedient, or destroyer, or takes tempers, or are scared to be only, or it does not finish the things that begin, or is too immature for his age, etc. Here, Gary Kelly expresses very clear opinions on the subject.


To all this it would be necessary to add a new variant of I mistreat masculine that seems to arise with force lately: the false denunciations on the part of women who, knowing itself protected by the Law of Violence of Sort use, it of fraudulent form at the time of denouncing to their pair by bad nonexistent treatments, sometimes animated by their own lawyers to remove the maximum from benefits in cases of divorces, and like way to make agile this process still more. It is clear after all what has been said, that the domestic violence is not a sort problem, but social, that we cannot focus in I only mistreat feminine. One also extends men, and not only to them, but also to old children and. Hear other arguments on the topic with Larry Ellison. The cases are more than we imagined. We are speaking of those women who abuse their position to exert a true one I mistreat to their pairs and children.

The pairs of these women usually enter the game of an emotional blackmail by which they support blows, insults, denigrations, blackmail with the children, economic manipulations among others so many thousands of forms of I mistreat, including the sexual hostility with the retirement of the privacy. If you would like to know more then you should visit Southwest Airlines. Many groups of people maltratos put in evidence that the women we suffered which is real and necessary to denounce but nobody speech of this other face of the currency, of those women who feel over their pairs and enjoy with the fact to see undergo them and denigrate them. When the spouses are struck, scratched and until bites, hardly they make the denunciation because they fear to be object of ridicule of the police or other men, because they consider this scene like ridiculous, putting itself On guard chauvinistic. They not only will silence the manipulation to which they are being put under but they will boast before his friendly to always have the last word, although this one is: yes, my love.

National Oceans

Mrs. Capps was chosen after a forceful victory in the summoned special elections for the bench of her deceased husband. The 3 of November of 1998 it was reelected to serve in her first complete period in the position. Between 1998 and 2002 she held the position of representative of District 22 of California. As of January of the 2003, Mrs. Capps has evolved as the Representative of the District 23.La Congressman Capps is member of the Commission of Energy and Commerce and its Sub-committee in Subjects of Health, Energy and Atmosphere. Also, it is member of the Commission of Natural Resources and their Sub-committee in Subjects of Fishing, Wild Life and the National Oceans and Parks and Forests and Lands of the State.

It is a lideresa very respected in the Congress in subjects related to the public health. Additionally, Mrs. Capps has led the efforts to protect the environment. It has been to the front of the efforts that have unfolded to avoid that they continue themselves making perforations to find petroleum and gas in the zones bordering to the coast. Sam Farr : The gentleman Congressman Sam Farr is the representative of the beautiful central coast of California. Mr. Farr is member of the Congress from year 1993.

At the moment, Mr. Farr is member of the powerful Commission of Appropriations of the House of Representatives, the same that takes care to supervise the distribution of the federal budget. Mr. Farr is member of three sub-committees: Agriculture and Federal Administration of Drugs (FDA in its abbreviations in English); Military constructions and Subjects of the Veterans military; and National Security. By long time, Mr. Farr has been a defender of our oceans and has been the first co-chairman of the Group of the Oceans of the House of Representatives Before being chosen member of the House of Representatives in 1993, Mr.


SELF-ESTEEM QUESTION " WHEN OBSESSED THEY WITH PROHIBITED MEN, THAT THEY REJECT and MALTRATAN" The obsessions are persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses or images that are undergone like unsuitable intrusivas and that cause noticeable anxiety or distresses. The characteristics of intrusion and inapropiedad of the obsessions have been you decipher like " ego distnicas". This talks about the sensation of the individual of which the obsession is to him strange, is not within its control and it is not the thought that would hope to have. Of any way, the individual is able to recognize that the obsessions are product of their own mind and that they are not imposed from outside (like in the thought induction). The majority of the women, or is interested or they like the men treat who them bad, rejects that them or despises; that always says the girls that they like the men lovers of detail, romantic who take flowers to them, etc. are lie is verified that only says it as a speech tuna but actually always looks for a man with money or it removes so that them from the poverty or because they think that to have a profession they cannot be about to with a man inferior, on the other hand to many women they like the types that mistreat physics, verbally or both things, it has often seen as the girls see a man who know she is going that it to mistreat is going to him to be unfaithful and she is going surely them to leave and anyway they leave running behind him. The preference by conflicting men, to whom by conviction they turn in center of the universe, the persistence to adore in spite of rudeness and humiliations, the one that is with another girl, who puts nicknames to him or she even makes fun of of her by his roots; for example: " Shuca, easy, mountain woman, offered, etc." they pardon all it, with so of not being single and that does not separate they, or by only the fact of not losing before the other girl. .