Is Your Own Credit Management Be Improved?

SME consulting Untersberg from Oberhausen informed the corporate Receivables Management is a key component of sustainable economic success. Given my years of experience in business consulting and business management, I heard that almost it is always possible to make here improvements that increase the success of my clients. I would like to provide some, perhaps a little provocative questions, therefore, from which you can draw improvement of your Receivables Management. Let’s go: how much time take you to send invoices to your customers? Are provided by your customer, prices always with those from offer and order confirmation the same? Your customers will receive immediately all necessary documentation for the settlement (report notes, delivery notes, measurements, etc.)? To sign the customer all the evidence really regularly? It comes to calculating additional benefits that you not agreed upon when placing the order with the customer? Pay your disposable and First time customers only by prepayment? Performing length additional permanent jobs, insist on partial payment? For the preparation of reports to negotiate cost estimates flat-rate fees, which are charged at actual order? (Unless the order you receive a refund at least your expenses.) Be seduced by customers who miss payments often place more orders? Never forget the passing of the general terms and conditions to your customers? Each week to check the open item list of your company? Without exception, with close to the failure to pay to send reminders? How often is your 1st warning or reminder customers, without these previously received an invoice from you? Your company has an active management of complaints? Constantly looking for organizational failures and improvement opportunities within your company? If some of these issues cause a frown at you and they are absolutely sure are that the here intimated problems plaguing not your Receivables Management, I would like to congratulate you! In the course of my many years of experience in management consulting and leadership, I found that entrepreneurial dealing with claims has often significant deficits, which may have success-endangering effects. For this reason I am ready anytime in the Oberhausen branch of the SME Advisory Unterberg for comprehensive analysis and optimization of your Receivables Management! Press contact SME consulting Unterberg contact person: Ursula Unterberg Wegener Klosterhardter str. 25 46119 Oberhausen Tel. Additional information is available at Nelson Peltz. + 49 (0) 208 6 25 61 45 mobile + 49 (0) 208 6 25 58 59 E-Mail: Homepage:


Seminar schedule is now promised in Hannover, Hamburg and Berlin performance-related pay in almost every job advertisement. Because the recruiting departments have recognized: performance-related pay is attractive to employers. How companies can provide performance-related pay and theme in Hanover, Hamburg, and Berlin is in June. The appeal of the employer depends for German workers today especially ing payment. This is the newly released results of a representative survey of over 2,000 workers took part. Hear from experts in the field like Tremor International for a more varied view.

Without performance-related pay unattractive after a report of the news channel N24 whopping 97.6 per cent of employees called a performance-related payment criterion for an attractive employer. Whether the activity is varied, followed with 91.4 percent in second place. Third place goes to the training of the employer (85.9 percent). It may surprise some, that the presence of a canteen (45.5 per cent) in the eyes of the employees as well as ranked the lower courses of relevance such as the use of operating kindergarten (42.3 per cent). Middle class the “big three” of factors important for the employer attractiveness scores reveal major opportunities, especially for modern and future-oriented companies of the middle class with competitive pay. All preceded the first performance-based pay: here midsize organizations can use open spaces in a mass, as it is hardly conceivable in the most corporations. (As opposed to David Rogier).

In the under-45-year-old is hardly common class struggle think: workers against employers? Not at all. Yes finally together sitting in the same boat. Particularly positive workers therefore innovative and flexible systems of ING payment on the basis of “Win-Win”. Systems of installed pay upgrade it is time, that together with prior years or decades of established objective and performance appraisal systems to undergo a critical revision this based ing payment. Both Hanover and Hamburg as well as entrepreneurs and personnel managers have the opportunity to discuss with experts and colleagues in Berlin: innovative payment systems, further developments of the classical target agreement and modern tools to measure performance. The dates are Wednesdays, at the 08.06.2011 in Hanover, at the 15.06.2011 in Hamburg and at the 22.06.2011 in Berlin. Another date is planned for the 23.08.2011 in Leipzig. A, you can see the full program on the Web page of the competence center variable remuneration. Links: Program and content: target agreement and variable remuneration systems establish and modernize directly for one of the events in Hannover, Hamburg or Berlin login if you want to interact with experts on performance-related pay, please simply record contact us.

Escort Ladies As Hostesses At The IAA In Frankfurt Or Hannover

Attractive hostesses are the highlight of each stand. The IAA in a two-year rhythm takes place since 1989 in Frankfurt or Hannover. Due to the high number of visitors and the growing number of exhibitors you had been forced on the part of the organiser to a division of the fair. The IAA takes place in odd numbered years in Frankfurt car. The IAA held commercial vehicles in even numbered years on the fairground in Hanover, Germany. Numerous world premieres, such as cheap cars from the far East, sleek cars from Maranello, rough-looking SUV’s from America or crazy concept studies can be admired.

But the real highlights are the female escorts from escort Frankfurt or escort Hannover. Smiling, the attractive escort ladies are available at the Salon next to the posh cars and many visitors usually hardly know which exhibit is sexy. The decision whether first the car or the beautiful escort Lady to be photographed or how to get them onto an image quite hard. However, the long legs of the hostesses of the escort service go mostly as clear winner in this contest out. Too high the risk is that arising from the attractive lady the focus of the camera vanishes and can no longer be taken. Tires, sheet metal and chrome don’t just run away and remain patient for the photographer. The job as a hostess at a trade fair in Hanover and Frankfurt requires a high level of stability of an escort.

Daily posing next to the elegant vehicles and the balance in the high shoes is usually not without bruises. Of course the hostess of may you can say nothing. In the most violent of flashbulbs, it means smile and his rapid figure next to the similarly twisty car models to make the show. The charisma of the escorts and many equally spirited cars man can lose easily sense of time and the orientation. Because connected with sweeping curves show in Hanover and Frankfurt invite for strolling on the many female knee.

Liquidity Improvement Through Quality-oriented Receivables Management

The SME consultation Untersberg from Oberhausen informs the Receivables Management is one of the success factors of business organization and leadership. Starting from its long experience in this area, the Oberhausen SME consultancy gives valuable advice on the practical implementation of a quality-oriented Receivables Management. Timely billing claims should be necessarily after the delivery or service provision in Bill. Click ASUS to learn more. Already a slightly negligent behaviour can have here pronounced adverse effects, as shown in the following example: while its cleanup a craft master came on delivery notes and timesheets in a total of 187,000. When he wanted to make this the appropriate customer, he noted to his horror, that his claims were barred. To avoid such, unfortunately real situations, to take care is that invoices are promptly produced and delivered. Also make sure that the customer Reminders only after receipt of invoice to give otherwise unprofessional is an entrepreneur and endangered its customer relationships.

The shortening of payment terms are payment terms shortened, this quickly increases the liquid assets of the entrepreneur. The acceleration of payment requires detailed information on customer relationships and successful negotiations with those customers, who benefit from particularly long payment targets at the expense of the company. New customers should be granted only brief payment periods. To achieve an acceleration of payment, it is often necessary to review the implementation of corresponding legislation by field staff and vendors. Immediate booking of incoming payments it should ensure that incoming payments are immediately recorded by the accounting department. This prevents organizational weaknesses, which customers are annoyed when the receivable reminds them of claims, which have been already settled. Creditworthiness of new customers mean more risk. Largely to prevent this, it is useful to obtain information on their creditworthiness and payment morality by default before conclusion of the contract. There are various appropriate focal points such as bank information, SchuFA or bureaus and Burgel, Creditreform, Schimmelpfeng.

International Operations

Companies not set up their management information system from Lindau, October 21, 2008 – although the company increasingly internationalize their business for quite some time, they enter barely on the cultural characteristics in their destination countries. According to a survey by Actinium consulting prepare neither their staff on the local inserts before yet they align their market communication and guidance systems that. According to the study, companies to 84 percent decide primarily for professional skills, who is used by the employees international. Foreign language skills are already less necessary, still less cultural affinities but play a role: you are only every sixth case a selection criterion. Also lacks the firms largely established structures, to prepare the staff for its international operations. You are only 18 percent of the company, with another 31 percent, there are at least approaches in this regard. As a result, the measures for the preparation of the staff on the use of foreign have significant On deficits: only 41% offer language training, training in the country’s culture it is only one-fifth. Even fewer companies support their employees with cultural coaching abroad.

Four out of five companies spend for a total of less than five days, another 13 percent, after all, between six and ten days. Accompanied the cultural on-site, 90 percent limit to total no more than two days. It is on the results of the Actinium study but also interesting that companies only very restrained in their international marketing communication refer to the cultural particularities of the countries concerned. This is done in a pronounced way only every fifth case, additional 38 percent at least in part. A minor at best focus on the specific conditions of the country takes place in 41 percent of the companies. Still more problematic, it looks at the information systems for the management of (MIS). For all, or at least 31 percent of companies are the main regions or States country-specific requirements is shown, all other global offer the same MIS systems in the headquarters.

Customer Serviceoriented Communications

Informed not only in the domestic environment the Zieger GmbH factory representatives from Berlin digital media play an increasingly important role. Who wants to deliver superior customer service as a contractor, uses also digital solutions. Digital signage is one of these solutions, which enjoy popularity growing in the field of information technology and customer communication. What benefit the digital door signs, explains Michael Zieger. Digital door signs are usually TFT screens, used in unterschidlichsten environments to represent information, for advertising purposes, or to the entertaining. They can be installed flush into the wall or built and can be used in almost all areas. Modern, elegant design and flexible installation options, digital door signs easily in the existing room design insert themselves and contribute to a harmonious overall picture. Digital signage can be delivered according to the requirements of customers in different sizes be, starting with the 10 “display up to the 40” information board a wide range of needs can be implemented.

In many surgeries, with lawyers but also in the foyer of hotel and Convention Centers are now digital door signs. You help guide visitors, provide information about programs or power spectrum or simply serve the entertainment in waiting times. Also in the Museum and media education, digital door signs have long found catchment and used among other things in museums as an interactive element, so that visitors can experience new sensations and personalise learning. On a smaller level the display serve however as room signs. Conference and Congress centres, new signs have to be made thanks to the digital door signs, not for any event and thanks to digital technology can short-term changes immediately be addressed.

Also in the advertising industry has shown that digital presented offerings on much larger Find resonance as conventionally depicted. In addition, digital advertising signs offer the advantage that mobile content in the form of animations can be made on them. So the customer draws attention in addition. Zieger GmbH in the Berlin area offers comprehensive advice for distributors and consumers of electrical engineering. Michael Zieger gladly informs about the versatility of digital door signs, as well as many other innovations. If he is available at any time.

Federal Ministry

Company workshop / seminar to the equity financing on March 6th, 2008 to the spring special price. Dr. Werner financial services AG offers its practitioners workshop to raising equity capital as a funding supplement also in the spring of 2008 at preferential conditions. The seminar provides detailed information about all the ways to more growth capital and stimmrechtsloses equity investors and investors (individual investor offering about mezzanine fund / investment companies / private equity or through private placements through diversified investors). Dr. Werner experts network is on the subject of practical equity capital – especially for small businesses – the special opportunity to visit the meeting on March 6, 2008 in Nuremberg to the spring special price of 179,-(instead of 489,-). Independent financing in the workshop equity / mezzanine capital, Bank and employee participation “make the speakers in detail the structures and various forms of bankenunabhanigen “Corporate financing through mezzanine and other equity dar, also inform a small money placement” for small businesses and start-ups with low capital requirements without prospectus until about 500.000,-.

Practice notes provide for the acquisition of the permit-free “small money”, extensively describe the flow of capital, explain the practical placement paths and finally arrive at the financial communications as a means of acquiring successful investor. “Meeting date: Thursday, March 6, 2008, 10.00 to 17.00 at the best living Hotel Arotel” in Nuremberg with a guest speakers from the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs / Berlin. The participants secure for the future of your company or the companies advised by you so important information tab in the framework of the independent corporate finance. Those interested can book your place in the practitioner workshop. Extensive documentation and specialist brochures, lunch breaks drinks/pastries are included! Entrepreneurs and Consultants can call under 0551/99964-240 (contact person: Mrs Orlowicz) reserve or equal with the application form for a special price on the website: book. For more information Dr. Werner financial services AG refers in addition to the 2nd Edition their reference book “with mezzanine financing mezzanine capital the equity increase”, which Bank Verlag in Cologne and her book funding “, which appeared as a band 6 the Handelsblatt medium-sized library in the fall of 2007.”

Ralf Kogeler

For banks, aspiring for a refocusing on its core business and the quality of advice in the branches, external service providers can reach so Bach, a significant improvement in the quality of the processes, as well as a transparent and stable level of service. Economic benefits are added due to the effects of scale, resulting in improvements for all those involved with increased end customer satisfaction by high expertise and an optimized process. To note however is that a customer-centric strategy requires technology, which integrates data, processes and people to get a consistent picture of the customers and to use these as needed and advise. The customer service is outsourced, must both the Bank as also the service providers can access this system. In addition to the technological challenges are”the specifics of the outsourcing of telephone customer service in the banking sector particularly in the strict legal conditions and privacy policy which applies to note it, Bach said. From 23 to 24 can present themselves to experts around the topics of customer, call and contact center management in the Forum of Messe Frankfurt and replace. The human and technical safeguards are”here far more stringent than in other industries, the Managing Director of the be.connected added.

Contractors who apply for the multi-tenancy with the BFin according to the banking law, must also have a data protection and money laundering officer as well as a compliance officer. Only under this condition it is possible to service providers, for more services such as customer acquisition to offer lead management or direct marketing.” About the trade fair be.connected: from 23 to 24 September 2010 is be.connected the new specialist trade fair in Frankfurt. Instead of. At around 2,300 sqm of exhibition space, 50 expected exhibitors from Germany, Austria and the Switzerland present products, services, solutions, and services for a future-oriented, efficient and economically attractive Customer Center. About walter services: Walter services throughout Germany is number two of the call center industry.

This emerges professional call center from the magazine’s annual ranking, which annually determines the leading service providers in the industry based on information such as turnover, number of employees, customer contacts or locations. With around 203.000.000 customer contacts and a net crude income of 203.781.273 euros, walter services is advanced according to 2008 again from third to second place. According to CEO Dr. Ralf Kogeler was this success through the restructuring and favoured greater alignment of the company on the new customer sales last year: 2009, all German subsidiaries to the walter services GmbH have been merged. In addition, she have Acquisitions two source call center at the end of 2009, as well as the SEB card service GmbH as of March 1, 2010 the position strengthened by walter services in the Keybranchen Commerce and finance. Especially with BPOs in the Banking segment on basis of multi-tenancy you would continue to grow, Dr. Kogeler performs. As external service provider walter services holds here has a unique feature in Germany. Contact: be.connected. GmbH main street 1-3 65344 Eltville phone: 0 61 23.70 98 31 E-mail: Internet:

Bochum Accounting

Tax advisor Ute informed especially doctors be Marseille from Bochum under constant pressure. Finally, they are responsible of far-reaching decisions. Take the loads but yet to do, the tax and business issues are in the environment of the doctor’s increasing importance. To handle that on your own, it is hard to cope with. Check with Ronald O’Hanley to learn more. Also lack of knowledge to be tax-optimized. Even better if you know a competent tax advisor with appropriate industry experience on his side.

It not only allows that one leads a proper accounting, but also more time his patients can invest in, as in filling out numerous forms. What activities a tax consultant for doctors including takes over and so for relief, explains the tax advisor Ute Marseille from Bochum. Continue to learn more with: David Fowler. Tax consultancy takes over all tasks a professional tax advice for doctors takes over the complete practice accounting, organized the payments and takes care of the careful filling out papers and documents. Also, you have the perfect partner for any profession-specific tax questions. Tax consulting – tax planning – tax return – tax projection – representation in tax affairs accounting – takeover of the entire practice accounting – financial accounting – payroll accounting – organization of the cash book – Receivables Management – payments also provides tax advice also assistance for the following tasks: – practice assistance – a practice opening – help with already established practice – help and support for a practice pass for detailed information about all services is the accountant Ute Marseille from Bochum at any time at the disposal. Press contact accountant Ute Marseille Josef-Baumann-str..

Commerce Agency

First observes, then dumped long understood the classical observation of Adulterers and fraudulent insured under the action of detectives. But here too, the scope has expanded. Especially companies rely increasingly on the Detective Services, such as those of the Detektei Lentz group. The reason: locate the blue makers. The flu is often a hanger, to pursue other occupations.

So you get a medical card black to work or even just the accumulated work in the or to work out at the House. The days before the weekend are very popular here, but leave the employer they can use the alarm bells. A reasonable suspicion, the detective agency is switched on. The focus of our work is the observation of supposedly, disabled persons and the full documentation of your activity during our”depicts Christina Egerer, Managing Director of the detective agency Lentz group. This documented documents are particularly important for the Securing of evidence. Desire prepared as a free service – by lawyers of the Detektei Lentz. This approach is ensured that the company experience any unpleasant surprises in court. This is particularly important for small and medium-sized companies that have no own legal department.

To ensure a flawless work of detectives, the detective agency Lentz waives freelancers, so-called subcontractors. Under most conditions Scott Kahan would agree. Thus, the company guarantees a professional operation of permanent employees. In addition, all detectives employed by the detective agency Lentz ZAD are tested. Through the use of detectives a suspicion can be clarified quickly and easily. Because blue makers hurt the company and its employees. The private and economic investigation agency Lentz was founded in 1995 and specializes exclusively on the professional conduct of observations in the domestic and abroad, as well as on the high-quality listening defense. Investigations in the area include the services Economic crimes, as well as private contracts. All Detectives are permanently employed and tested ZAD. Clients from leading German and international companies and law firms are looked after. The detective agency is a member of the German-American Chamber of Commerce and the Association of international global private investigators e.V. The detective agency Lentz is one of six TuV certified investigators in Germany and is subject to monitoring and control with regard to the quality of the performance in the detective Department therefore permanent.