Republican Association

The main carriers of rabies in the area are foxes (57%), productive animals (23%), dogs and cats (20%). In December-January 2007-2008, in the Novgorod region revealed nine cases of rabies in domestic and wild animals. The only affected by the epizootic was 34-year-old resident of Staraya Russa, bite an infected kitten. Baby clothess opinions are not widely known. To date, veterinarians have planted about 8000 pets, vaccination is continues. In Saransk, the cases of homeless animals attack humans. Since the beginning of the year in the health facility for help asked 36 people who were bitten by stray dogs. Meanwhile, Thai microbiologists against rabies have decided to use old-fashioned way: 'button – fire with fire' and was invented by the methods of genetic engineering prototype 'treatment' of the virus.

Thus, Thai scientists have managed to create a prototype RNA genome of the virus that can arrest the spread of this dangerous infection inside the body. Kerch Strait: pollution problems are not solved yet another surge relevance was dedicated last week the problem of eliminating the consequences of ecological disaster in the Kerch Strait. On Tuesday, during the talks between Vladimir Putin and Viktor Yushchenko in Moscow raised the issue of 'damages caused by accidents Russian ships in the Kerch Strait. " At the end of the week the oil slick area of five thousand square meters was discovered in the Crimea in the coastal strip of Kerch Strait from Cape to Cape Small Taquile. Crimean ecologists Republican Association "Ecology and Peace 'on-site release of petroleum has recorded the deaths of several dozen birds, many of jellyfish and other marine animals.

International Declaration

Based on this, we can safely say that we are all equal. And it is not important, our status and the amount of power or money – we are all equal! That is what lies at the heart of the "International Declaration of Human Rights," UN. This explains the need for the rights of different social groups: children, women, disabilities, and others should not forget this, but rather to build on this in his behavior! This is the main difficulty most people: to see themselves and others equally. Differences of people "in Soviet Union are not born men, born organisms that makes them human society, "Lenin Understanding our similarities, we can not say that we are completely identical. More information is housed here: Joseph Mathunjwa. But what are we different? Born, we begin to explore the world, begin to learn, but for some reason, even in childhood the children "absorb" the information at different speeds. Why? Can parents in raising their children differently, giving a value of one or the other depending on gender. Sociologists argue that the environment in which the grown child, to a large extent determine its future activities, lifestyle, behavior, reaction to the phenomena occurring in the world. That long-term observations have opportunity to say so. Confluence Investment Management has firm opinions on the matter.

Biologists argue that not only food, but stress, illness pregnant mother and many other factors can affect the development and health of her child. But there is much more profound reasons for different cognitive abilities of children – the genes. Studies confirm that our genes are capable of transmitting to the next generation line of business, even if the parents and children nebyli familiar and not had the opportunity to interact. .

UN Environment Programme

Topics of issue: The Muscovites had no enthusiasm for the World Day without cars. In Russia there will be ultra-deep ‘burial’ for radioactive waste. World Environment Day will be celebrated in 2009 in Mexico City. The struggle for environment will provide jobs for millions. —- Review article of greenhouse gases is too much …

The Muscovites had no enthusiasm for the World Day without cars. Mitvol continues to work and intends to appeal against the attempt his dismissal. Central Moscow was closed for neekologichnyh trucks. In Russia there will be ultra-deep ‘burial’ for radioactive waste. For even more opinions, read materials from Rory Sutherland. The U.S. Congress finally ratified the pact on the protection of the Great Lakes.

Emissions growth greenhouse gases in the world is at a record pace. Global warming leads to the disappearance of Arctic ice and inhabit their animals. Scientists believe that the fires help to preserve the biodiversity of the Australian desert. Wasps able to recognize and remember each other. —- A short review of the major environmental news for the week. —- World Environment Day will be celebrated in 2009 in Mexico City, capital of the celebration of World Environment Day, which is traditionally held on June 5, 2009 will be in Mexico City, the press service of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). World Environment Day established in 1972 by the UN Conference on Environment in Stockholm, at the same time was established UNEP. Every year World Environment Day celebrated in different cities. The purpose of this agenda is to remind people about environmental issues, encourage them to action on sustainable and commensurate with economic development, as well as to express the need for cooperation of all nations for a more secure and prosperous future. On this day, traditionally held demonstrations, bicycle Parades, concerts, poster and essay competitions in schools on the environment, plant trees. The theme of Day of the Environment UNEP chose the slogan ‘You want my world – unite to combat climate change’ (‘Your Planet Needs You-UNite to Combat Climate Change’). In 2008, the host was New Zealand. Message that Mexico City is selected as the host city, the World Environment Day 2009, made at a press conference in Mexico City president Felipe Calderon and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner … —- Fighting for the environment will provide safe jobs for millions of citizens of staff of the International Labour Organisation in conjunction with staff of the UN in environmental protection have estimated that the fight against global warming will find stable jobs to millions of people around the world. Meanwhile, ‘green’ jobs are being created only for the most vulnerable categories of workers. At present, the negative effects of climate change are causing serious damage to the budget of many workers and their families. In particular this applies to people employed in agriculture, and tourism …

International Earth Day

Topics of issue: International Earth Day. 23rd anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. World Malaria Day. To save the planet from warming, we must go on a diet. The secret of the therapeutic effect of turmeric.

Do not drink the water from the tap this spring. —- FocusNote 23rd anniversary of the Chernobyl accident … Ministry of Natural Resources will introduce a 'green standard' for companies and toughen penalties for environmental pollution. Swarmed by offers, Verizon is currently assessing future choices. The rivers on the planet become shallow due to global warming. Lead promotes the formation of clouds. Venice would be to use algae to produce electricity.

Scientists have discovered the first all-female species of ants. The dates of the week: The International Earth Day and 23rd anniversary of the accident at Chernobyl. —- A short review of the major environmental news for the week. —- April 25 – World Malaria Day A decision on the annual observance of World Malaria Day April 25 was made of the World Health Assembly on the 60th WHA in May 2007. On this day, the Organization "Roll Back Malaria ', established by the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and World Bank in 1998, seeks to draw attention to malaria as a global health problem … —- Scientists advise on a diet to save the planet from Each warming may contribute to the fight against the greenhouse effect and global warming – it is enough to lose weight, researchers report in the London Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the article, published in International Journal of Epidemiology.

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Aegean Sea

According to local meteorologists, the plains of the country over the past day dropped an average of 20-30 cm snow, a record for the past 40 years this season. As a result of the fact that last Wednesday night at the Polish capital hit a blizzard in Warsaw was almost completely paralyzed traffic. And in Greece vagaries of nature presented two unpleasant 'surprise': the strong forest fires on the islands in the Aegean Sea and heavy snowfalls in the northern mountainous regions. Oddities of Nature in Russia: the 'plus-' temperature records, flying cats and yellow snow was no exception quirks of nature, and Russia. At a time when Europe came the cold and snow in many regions of Russia in the record were recorded with the sign 'plus': the temperature went beyond season scope at 10-15 degrees! In Siberia, on the eve broke all temperature records. In the south of Evenkia temperature over 15 degrees ahead of climate framework. Abnormally high temperatures recorded in the Gorno-Altaisk.

Southern the cyclone moving into the European territory of Russia a powerful stream of warm air, setting a new temperature record in Sochi: March 24, at 12:00 am the thermometer stood at 25 degrees, while the daily maximum for this time remains equal to +23.7, established in 1975. The new temperature record for March 25 is set in Moscow – to warm up the air is 14.00 to 12.4 degrees plus, which is 0.2 degrees above the previous record of 1973. Hurricane storm wind raged Wednesday in Moscow and Moscow region.

The Properties

For example, the properties of a material point is the weight and the ability to be in space and time. Except addition, the theory given by the relationship between ideal objects, described by law. Of the primary ideal objects can also be derived to construct objects. As a result, the theory describing the properties of ideal objects, relationships between them and the properties of structures formed from the initial ideal objects, can describe the variety of data. The main methods by which theoretical knowledge is implemented.

These methods are: axiomatic, constructivist, inductive and hypothetico-pragmatic. When using the axiomatic method of scientific theory is constructed as a system of axioms (provisions adopted without logical evidence) and inference rules that allow, by logical deduction to get approval of this theory (the theorem). Axioms do not contradict each other, it is also desirable that they are not independent of each other. Constructivist method, along with the axiomatic, is used in the mathematical sciences and informatics. In this method, the deployment of the theory does not begin with axioms, and with notions of legitimacy which is intuitively justified. Also, set the rules for constructing new theoretical constructs. Research are only those designs that really managed to build. This method is considered the best remedy the appearance of logical contradictions: a concept designed, consequently, the way of its construction of non-contradiction.

In the natural sciences is widely used hypothetico-deductive method or the method of hypotheses. The basis of this method hypotheses are generalizing force of which all other knowledge displayed. While the hypothesis is not rejected, it serves as a scientific law. Hypothesis, in contrast to the axioms need experimental confirmation. In technical sciences and the humanities is widely used pragmatic method, which essentially amounts to the so-called logic practical conclusions. For example, an entity A wants to do A, while he believes that he can not carry out A, if not carry out with. Consequently, A was adopted for the commission to. Logical constructions with looks like this: A-> p-> from. At the same constructivist method of construction would be as follows: A-> C-> p. In contrast to the hypothetico-deductive, in which information about the fact brought under the law, the practical conclusion from the information on the means to meet the goal p, which is consistent with some values. For descriptive methods treated If the above methods are acceptable. Description of the phenomena can be verbal, graphical, diagrammatic, formal-symbolic. Descriptive methods are often one-stage research research that leads to achieving more advanced scientific techniques. Often this method is most appropriate, since modern science often has to deal with such phenomena that are not subject to too rigid requirements.

Caspian Sea

25 million for solutions to global warming This is precisely the amount suggested in February of the year a British businessman Sir Richard Branson, owner of a major airline Virgin. Five million dollars winner will receive immediately and the remainder of twenty million – only after successful completion of the program. Under the rules of the contest organizers, the project Winner must be a plan to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at one billion tons per year over ten years. Spring wave of protests against the Russian nuclear power plant in early March Russia was a wave of protests against new nuclear power plants. The motion stated that it does not support these protests. 'Protest against nuclear power development is meaningless – it is a policy that will lead to nowhere, to the collapse and destruction and ecology, and economics. It is not something Lawrence Ellison would like to discuss. This is the path to a dead end ', – said at the time chairman of the All-Russian Public Movement' Environmental Forum 'Vitaly Lebedenko. In the Caspian seals were killed about a thousand in early May, the Ministry Emergencies of Kazakhstan has reported 933 deaths in the Caspian seals. The seals were found dead during the period from March 30 to May 2, on the Caspian Sea in the Mangistau region of Kazakhstan, in the area of the oil Kalamkas. The cause of mass deaths of animals has been called the plague, which was confirmed by the Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Ministry of Education of Chile in a large lake had disappeared by the Chilean National Forest staff Corporation in May found that a large lake in southern Chile has disappeared, as if down the drain.

Income Statement

Further, the auditor should consider the organization of the current accounting of biological assets, establish the correctness of their reflections, compliance with accounting principles and practices of accounting policies businesses on current biological assets, to Ukrainian legislation, II (c) BU 30. Also, the auditor should check the approved work plan accounts of current accounting of biological assets, the availability of officers Accountant instructions on their account and the timetable of their workflow and t.p.Neobhodimo of inspection of primary documents, which are made such basic household livestock operations with current biological assets as income, transfer, cancellation and pr.Krome this source of information for audit are Ledger movement of animals and birds, book shepherd, gurtoprava, Statement of animals and birds on the farm, Report on the incubation process, Journal of the order and reverse bill of analytical accounting, general ledger and reporting companies: Balance, Income Statement, Statement of Cash Flow Notes annual financial statements. On the basis of documents the auditor has the opportunity to test and compare the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the reflection of business transactions in the accounts and subaccounts accounting analytical accounting. David Fowler is often quoted on this topic. As a result of the audit the auditor may determine how consistent the actual credentials of the rules and methods to reflect current biological assets livestock referred to in Order approving accounting policies of the enterprise and the current legislation in the field of accounting. On the basis of the audit the auditor is the auditor's report, which gives an estimate of the accounting system in the enterprise, indicating possible violations found by the reflection of the current biological assets and business transactions with them, and establishes the degree of their relevance and impact on Indicators of financial statements of the enterprise. The verification process is tedious and the auditor to optimize its operation should be used such working papers, as – the Register of data held inventory – to reflect the data set in the inventory; Register correctness of transactions on the current capitalization of biological assets livestock; register correctly reflect transactions internal displacement; register correctly reflect the current operations of disposal of biological assets livestock; register correctly determine the initial (fair) value, the correct Registry of transactions with current biological asset accumulation in animal husbandry departments documents; register correctly reflected in accounting registers, register reconciliation registers accounting with indicators of financial statements for the current accounting of biological assets and livestock etc. The implementation of an audit of current biological assets provided by the method of application form developed by the working documents will allow to fully cover all the features of transactions carried out with the assets, as well as provide an opportunity to audit and provide auditor's report to the optimum time.