Collective Bargaining

CiU and PNV abstained in extremis after having made a pact with the Government the prevalence of autonomic State level conventions. Reform is not supported nor by trade unions or by the employer. The outraged protest against the reform. All the keys of the text. The Government has managed to validate this Wednesday at the Congress the Decree on collective bargaining with 169 votes in favor, 159 against and 20 abstentions.

The Socialist Group has been the only one who has voted in favour of the reform, which now will be dealt with as a Bill before the demands of the different parties. The initiative has had the votes against the PP, ERC, IU-ICV, BNG and UPyD. The parliamentary groups of CiU and PNV decided to abstain in the vote by the Congress once they interest with the Government and the PSOE maintained the prevalence of conventions autonomic on the State level in the event of concurrence, according to parliamentary sources have reported. In this way, the Government ensures that the standard is ratified by the Cortes with independence that along as Bill can be modified with the introduction of amendments. According to parliamentary spokesman of CiU, Josep Antoni Duran Lleida, has highlighted the Government is committed to include in the preamble of the Act the linkage between wages and productivity. Although he acknowledged that the incorporation of this provision in the preamble has no legal force, since the fixing of wages has to be agreed between employers and workers, Duran has stressed to journalists that this will enable marking a guideline for future conventions. However, the Minister of labour, Valeriano Gomez, has ruled out that substantial changes from the norm as a result of agreements with the PNV and CiU occur during the parliamentary handling of the reform of collective bargaining. In addition, the Minister said that these modifications may not affect the central themes of the reform: enhance flexibility internal in companies without losing the workers protection.