Latin American Reality

Introit. When the cycle of novels that the figure of the Latin American dictator possessed as narrative object seemed already closed, Mario Vargas Llosa surprises us with the feast of the goat. Our work constitutes a first critical approach to this work. She shows, with all its harsh reality, the conduct of the military dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina in the Dominican Republic and its terrible influence on the society in that country. Before, this author had us accustomed to communication aspects belonging to his abandonment of the ranks of intellectuals committed to the triumph of a new utopia. Read more from Cylance to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The history of Maita is a clear example. The truth is that Vargas Llosa, who is not a Saint of our devotion, returns to be the Narrator extraordinary green house or city and dogs, where the conceptual element exudes the most important narrative history.

It could be said that planes intersect to offer the multipurpose aspect of the work. On the one hand, we have the story of Urania, in our view, the only representative women’s important within the work. On the other hand, a cell of conspirators plans and performs the task of execute the dictator. In the middle of these two stories there is another plane consisting of memories, where we, as readers, feel the imprint that creates and that will stop the dictatorship, due to different types of behavior that are generated within the social fabric that has made possible the persistence of the autocratismo nation. Thus, the issue that looms with Tirano Banderas, Valle Inclan, claims a degree of greater specificity in El Mr President of Asturias, the autumn of the Patriarch, of Garcia Marquez and I the Supreme, Roa Bastos, Crown with stark reality in the feast of the goat. We say this, because a considerable amount of characters have been taken from that reality, with their names and surnames, Balaguer, Wesin and Wesin, for examples.

The Agency

Motivations or needs are not static; on the contrary, they are persistent and dynamic forces which cause particular behavior. When it arises, the need break the balance of the body and causes a State of stress, dissatisfaction, discomfort and imbalance that leads the individual to develop a behavior or action capable of download tension or rid the discomfort or imbalance. If the behavior is effective, the individual will find the satisfaction of the need and, consequently, the discharge of tension caused by her. Met the need, the Agency back to the previous equilibrium State and its natural form of adaptation to the environment. Motivation cycle can be summarized as follows.

With the repetition of the cycle of motivation (reinforcement) and learning that there is derived, the behaviour or actions are made gradually but effective in satisfying certain needs. A satisfied need is not motivating behavior, since it does not cause tension, discomfort or imbalance. Consequently, a person who is not hungry is not motivated to find food to eat. (DAVIS, 1992)The need can be met, failed or compensated (transferred to another object). Motivation cycle, there is a State of inner balance (of the person) altered by a stimulus (internal) or incentive (external), which produces a necessity.

Need leads to a State of tension which leads to a behavior or action which leads to the satisfaction of that need. Met this human organism returns to the previous internal balance. However, the need nor always satisfies. Many times, the tension caused by the emergence of the need is a barrier or an obstacle for his release. Not finding out normal, the voltage represada in the body, seeks an indirect output mechanism, either through social (aggressiveness, discontent, emotional stress, apathy, indifference, etc). Either through the Physiology (nervous tension, insomnia, cardiac effects or digestive etc) this is called frustration, since the voltage is not downloaded and remains in the body causing certain symptoms, psychological, physiological or social.