The Invention

It is possible that the filtered water shungite, really clean. Worse still it No one was, at least I have not heard that dying on shungite complained. By the way, the placebo effect has not been canceled yet. Nobody doubts the cleaning (or rather, adsorbing) properties of activated carbon? Why? Used to? A shungite – opening a new, must get used to it. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from baby clothes. You can use it now. But fans of the sensational new tools and techniques, I recommend to start to learn to distinguish and separate the scientific (maybe!) discovery of potentially useful and important, of useful inventions and technologies based on this discovery. And also from a commercial, then there is a broad, mass use of these technologies.

Few see the fundamental difference between discovery and invention. Meanwhile, the difference is huge. For example, there is the difference between a scientific discovery of electricity as a phenomenon, the invention of the principle of signal transmission at a distance based on this discovery, and mass-produced telephone on the basis of their previous discovery, invention, and in addition, cheap enough to be commercially profitable. Adam Portnoy has much experience in this field. Similarly, there is a difference between discovery of clean water sorbents, the invention of devices, allowing the water to clean, and the mass production of such plants for sale, that is capable to meet the needs of people in such treatment. A possible that the commercially advantageous production chegoy – that seems to be useful, established without any serious evidence of serious science? Yes, plenty! But then, for the marketing of this chegoy something always present such purely manipulative psychological factors as a mystery, sensationalism and hype. I must say that in the history of shungite present. Sensational allegedly seen in the unusual properties of water passed through schungite, which allegedly acquired therapeutic properties, "the structure of the spring", and the prevention of those diseases that are usually the most common.

Russian National Congress

Moscow, 15.10.2008, the second consecutive year the pharmaceutical company Krka was the General Sponsor of the Russian National Congress of Cardiology held in Moscow, c 7 and 9 October in the new building of Presidium of Russian Academy Science. The main themes of the Congress this year are new approaches to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, interventional cardiology, cardiac rehabilitation problems of patients, prevention cardiovascular disease and improving the organization of cardiological services. As in the past year, the company Krka has made significant contributions to the scientific program of work on the main themes of the Congress, organized symposia, which were presented the results of important nationwide survey, conducted with the support of the company Krka. If you would like to know more about J.D. Peterson, then click here. The greatest attention of the Congress drew a symposium, “Atlantic,” by by the President of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology, academician, RG Oganov. The symposium, which gathered over 900 specialists, were presented results of the first Russian multicenter study with dose escalation of atorvastatin to achieve target cholesterol levels (drug “Atoris,” the company Krka).

Own clinical studies on the drug “Atoris” provide a good evidence base efficacy and safety. The other two of the symposium, organized by Krka “Portrait of ambulatory patients with cardiovascular disease” and “Basic problems and solutions in the treatment of hypertension: a practical aid doctor, “also enjoyed great attention of specialists. As part of the scientific sessions were presented the results of the study “Zeus”: Resistance to aspirin and efficiency clopidogrel (the drug company Krka Zilt) in patients with coronary artery disease after surgical revascularization and outcomes of specific groups with cardiovascular drug Amprilan (ramipril company Krka). A central feature of Exhibition stand company Krka at the Congress was the presentation of a new drug from the group of angiotensin receptor blockers for blood pressure control – “Lorista” (losartan company Krka). In the early summer of 2008 the company plant inKrka Russia to start production of this drug.


Why is SuperEda SuperEdoy? SuperEda contains more vitamins and minerals than conventional food. SuperEda has healing properties, strengthens the immune system, detoxifies the body and nourishes. SuperEda rich in protein and thus characterized by a small amount of calories (protein-rich foods other:). SuperEda contains enough nutrients to meet the body's need for vitamins, minerals, protein and fatty acids. Supereda lets get rid of excess weight. Supereda used to treat allergies, arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, cancer, chronic fatigue, depression, diabetes, eczema, heart disease, hepatitis, high blood pressure, insomnia and so on.

Dandelion greens, spinach, parsley, chicory, nettle, wheat germ, barley sprouts, coconut, cocoa – superedy examples (a more complete list:). In this article we will sing an ode of praise raw cocoa. The benefits of cocoa have been known to time immemorial. So Maya and Aztecs used cacao beans as currency and gold for aesthetic purposes. Cocoa tree bears fruit all year round, so that the fetus is not no season. If after reading the article, you will want to buy the cocoa tree, you can find suppliers on the Internet, and grow all year round superplody home or in a greenhouse. But now is not about that.

Why else ancients so highly prized cocoa? Cocoa supports the health of the cardiovascular system and stimulates brain function, antioxidants, and their concentration in cocoa beans is the highest. Cocoa protects against diseases associated with aging. Cacao – source number one on the content not only antioxidants, but also magnesium. Magnesium supports the heart, brain, relieves menstrual cramps, increases the flexibility of the body, strengthens bones. 10 grams of cocoa contain the daily requirement for iron. Cocoa is rich in chromium (balancing blood sugar levels), manganese (involved in blood oxygen saturation), zinc (strengthens the immune system, liver, pancreas, reproductive system), copper (Beneficial effect on blood). Filed under: Ron O’Hanley. 150 grams of crushed cocoa beans contain a daily rate of vitamin C. Raw cocoa contains polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6. Cocoa suppresses appetite, is also a good source of tryptophan involved in the production of serotonin, which improves mental and emotional state. Cocoa contains little caffeine, contrary to popular belief (1 / 20 of what is contained in coffee), but 1% is made up of Theobromine, a substance that kills micro-organisms that break down your teeth. This is part of all the useful properties of raw cacao. Unfortunately, the cocoa, which is currently available in stores in the form of chocolate or powdered, processed at high temperature, it contains less cocoa butter than in the raw cocoa, less vitamins and minerals, and its properties are not so wholesome. This – not supereda compared with the fact that cocoa is intact. Raw cocoa is available in online stores (a list of online shopping:). We must not get carried away and overeat Cocoa RDA raw cocoa – 1-2 cocoa beans at the rate of 10 kg.

National Nutrition Committees

Operate on the principle: Think seven times – once you eat! If there are doubts about the benefits of a product, do not eat it, do not experiment with your own health – it is we have one! And the last commandment – eat naturally. In any nation, in every place has its own particular culinary tradition, a set of basic foodstuffs to which the organism is most suited to which he has adapted over the centuries (and even thousands of years). The people on this commandment has spoken: 'Land is not our food, our – porridge. " Pyramid healthy eating every one of you probably heard about the healthy food pyramid 'constructed' by nutritionists. At the base of the pyramid and proper nutrition are cereals and cereal products: bakery and pasta.

Cereals should be in our diet at least 45-50% of food intake. So it is with them better and to begin the transition to a healthy and balanced diet. Eating whole grains (raw) products and whole grain bread (wallpaper), the meal you will be doing an invaluable service to their health and the health of people close to you. Porridge whole grain cereal for breakfast – it's supply of energy for the day and 'vaccination immunity '. Grain (whole grain) bread, whole wheat flour bread out on the right is called therapeutic products against obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, decreased motility intestine. Grain bread effective in removing harmful substances from the body – heavy metals, radioactive substances, toxic components, the remains of products of biological origin, increases life. U.S.

scientists managed to prove that the death rate of people who consume whole grains, reduced by 15-20%. In most Western countries, the National Nutrition Committees recommend that adults receive 35-45 g of dietary dietary fiber (cellulose). Eating a slice of wholemeal bread, you get 5g of fiber. Daily in the diet including whole-grain flour, you are fully satisfy the need of the organism in tissue and dietary fiber. Wholegrain meal grain is ground first, and then passed through a sieve (sifted). The finer the grind, the more 'ballast substances' You can weed out. The most 'clean', in this sense, flour – is a premium flour. Fine grinding can filter out everything 'impurities' (including vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, etc.), leaving only the pure starch (pure carbohydrates). The nutritional value of a meal (the number of calories) is indeed very high. But in terms of biological value of the product – a carbohydrate 'Dummy'. In such a meal can do nothing useful and necessary for the body of the diversity inherent in the nature of whole grains. Hanging meal – it is the largest milling flour. Accordingly, sift flour wallpaper is made through a large sieve. When the flour milling wallpaper remain absolutely all the constituent grains. This flower and shell corn, and aleurone layer, germ and corn. Sootvetststvenno in flour wallpaper stores all the biological value of whole grains, and all of its healing quality of the human body. In our time, nutritionists have found that the best source of iron, zinc and dietary fiber may be the product of the meal. They urge, to eat bread out of the wallpaper (whole wheat) flour, which contains the full range of minerals, B vitamins, vitamin E, dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids. In olden times which have proved to be right. National power system evolved over the many centuries, by strict selection of food products useful for the organism.

Bigardiya Wood Aroma Oils

Bigardiya wood aroma oils – juniper, bergamot, eucalyptus, cypress, sandalwood and verbena. Herbal aroma oils – lemon balm, mint, lavender. When you get used constantly to Use aromatic oils just to freshen the air in the room or for inhalation – it will soon end. So buy a bottle of lavender oil, 1 bottle of lemon oil, 1 bottle of peppermint oil, 1 bottle oil of orange or grapefruit and make myself 4 bottles aromakompozitsy following composition – to mix with each other on a bottle of each of the oils, and you can vary the ratio of the amount of each oil in each vial. Go to Oracle for more information. For example, a vial with a predominance of the smell of lavender, 2 bottle with a predominance of orange odor, etc. The smell of mint freshens the air and makes breathing easier. Yes, and just a pleasure to go to the room where the smell of lemon or lavender.

Most people immediately recognize the smell of lavender, lemon or orange, and no objection to the fragrance. Usually this is done using oil burner. Do you want to know what the cheapest way aromatize a room? Aromakamen! This is a common stone with a porous structure so that the oil does not flow from its surface. You can find many of these stones, walking on the beach, river or lake. The banks and bottom of any body of water rich in the most unusual stones. People such as Southwest Airlines would likely agree. Now you have reason to look at them closely, and above all, nature gives them to you without demanding anything in return except caring attitude toward her.

Starry Sky

A sure sign of varicose disease – the spider veins. It is these stars show the most vulnerable places in your vennoy system that are vulnerable to poyaleniyu thrombosis. Varicose disease to a greater extent their are unpleasant and bring as many people think only discomfort. But in fact, varicose veins can say about your vennoy system is much more than you think, because their presence is a dangerous foundation for development of a worst diseases. Although make your own beautiful feet, we go to the gym, beauty office, ask the massage therapist offers … And it zapamyatyvaem visit phlebologist, special according to the healing of varicose disease.

And it is in vain. Almost everyone thinks like spider veins – red spider translucent skin through the capillaries, but nothing more small cosmetic flaw. Unsightly, but the damage for being the least. To the chagrin, perhaps not that way. The appearance of spider veins – Wotan of raneshnih no joke signs of the disease, which is called varicose veins continued. Hidden danger of varicose veins, a difference of cellulite, and subject to the ladies, and representatives of the stronger sex. Truth is, the beautiful floor he faces 3-4 times more often. However, by the age of seventy years the number of affected boys and give comparable.

In guardians or granny-grandfather was a varicose disease? Then a chance of becoming her you significantly increase – the location of veins is transmitted to the disease, "according to an inheritance." Sukrolnost and reception contraceptives still have every chance to provoke the formation of varicose disease. Cooks, barbers, doctors, accountants, programmers, reporters, secretaries, merchants, bank employees … Varicosity elects its own victim of those whose service is connected with a fixed way of life. It is worth to remember and tarry on the number of which we are "in transit" – because of the car driving or in public transport.

The Tension Of Opposites

And if someone tells you about the other side, do you think that it is contrary to you, do you think his words are irrational, mysterious. And another should be the opposite, otherwise there would be no river, the river – it's the tension of opposites. But it is not hostile to the opposition – in the depth they are friendly, the pinnacle of love. Ripple is often quoted on this topic. This problem should be solved. If you can find a solution, you will be able to understand all the awakened and Heraclitus, and all those who knew the other side. All that they say will sound contradictory, because they speak from a position of both banks. Please visit Larry Ellison if you seek more information. For them, winter and summer together in one .., day and night, life and death, love and hate, the peak and valley – one.

When someone talks about the top, it is not touching the valley, its results will be very rational and you can understand them, they are not complicated, they are consistent. But if someone is speaking about the valley, does not affect the top, it is also rational. All philosophers are rational – you can understand them without any problems. To understand them, you just need a little education and training, nothing more, a little discipline. But to understand the mystics difficult. In fact, the more you try to understand them, the more they become mysterious – because they talk about the top of the valley and at the same time. Something is pushing them to mix in one vertex and Valley. In the Upanishads say: "He is near and far." What is that statement? He is either close or far away.

But seeing says: "It is far. – And then he adds – and close. " He is the greatest and smallest. He – the atom, and he – together. He is within, and he outside .. Heraclitus tells us that God – and it's winter and summer. Summer? – Well, that you can understand. Only the winter? – Well, that you too can understand, this is available to you. But winter and summer together? Then you feel nausea and dizziness. Mind said: "This is a controversial statement." Human logic is looking for consistent statements – and the logos is contradictory. Logos uses conflict as opposed to an architect uses bricks to create arch – he lozhit bricks in front of each other. Contrast provides voltage and power – and on this arch, you can build a big building. But if you do not put the bricks in front of each other, if you are consistent, logical, just valley or just the tip of this beach or that, and never together – then your structure will collapse, the arch will not be able to hold on. Then you get sick – mentally or physically and you start anorexia or bulimia. Psychiatric treatment Anorexia is a complex process. Need tension of opposites, to create strength. Take a man and woman – they opposed the existence of the bricks. The very opposite of making life possible. They – The two banks, the river can flow. But in that moment when you start talking about the valley and on the top together, it becomes incomprehensible.

Early Medieval Hospitals

Early Medieval hospitals were intended not only for patients but for travelers, pilgrims, beggars. Southwest Airlines contains valuable tech resources. In the 6th century. in Western monasteries established first start hospital-almshouse: Lyon, Monte Cassino, Paris, London … medical care at these hospitals have provided the monks, medical training which was extremely inadequate. According to many historians of medicine, the monks were treated mainly the "fasting and prayer," although it is possible that in the monastic hospitals were used and rational means, derived from traditional medicine, and works of ancient authors. When the monasteries began to take shape medical school preparation in which, initially limited to training in first aid for wounds and care for the wounded and sick. In the 8th century. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gary Kelly. began to revive the ancient Roman city institute doctors which became known as "city of physics." In the High Middle Ages, from the end of the XII century., There were hospital-based secular parties – lords and wealthy citizens.

In the second half of XIII century. in some cities has begun the process of the so-called kommunalizatsii hospitals: the city authorities sought to participate in the management of hospitals or completely take them into their own hands. Access to such hospital was opened burghers, as well as those who will make a special contribution. Only in the 14-15 centuries. some universities have begun to obtain approval for anatomical demonstration: usually allowed to open no more than one corpse in a year. 5. Diseases of the Middle Ages, Christianity has developed a theory of diseases as a consequence of sin, or trials.

"Medical" portion of this doctrine was based on the ancient theory of the Roman physician Galen (129-199 AD). Coglasno this theory, human health depends on the harmonious combination of his body four basic fluids – blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black. Common diseases are tuberculosis, malaria, dysentery, smallpox, whooping cough, scabies, and various deformities, and nerve disease.

Chemical Allergies

The immune system plays a central role in human health. It protects us from disease by recognizing and removing foreign material from the body. But also the immune system also needs to be protected from harmful exposure. In addition to the impact of stress on the immune system a major factor in weakening the immunity and its malfunction is the effect of various chemicals and compounds. Of course you can arrange at least once a year, a package of measures to strengthen the immune system, in particular the move to healthy food, spend your holiday in the resort of Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk or any other balneokurorta, region, or in the spa center (spa Plaza), but the danger of chemical allergy is more serious, and in addition to prevention should also know the sources of such immunological reactions leading to allergies.

Chemical allergies and sensitivities. Chemical allergy is an adverse reaction to the chemical results of a previous sensitization of the chemical, chemical allergy that is triggered by the immune system and this is reflected in hypersensitivity after an initial allergic reaction to chemicals, and so subsequent exposure can cause serious response. A typical example is the increased sensitivity to bee stings. The range of immune system response is wide and can manifest itself in forms such as skin rashes, eye irritation, allergic asthma and even anaphylactic shock and pulmonary disease. Chemical allergy has potential for death. Some environmental chemical sensitizers: polyisocyanates – can cause hypersensitivity reactions and are responsible for lung disease among workers in industrial enterprises. Polyisocyanates used in the manufacture of adhesives, paint, hardener, elastomers, and various coatings.

Exposure occurs through inhalation, skin absorption or otherwise. In contrast to other reactions hypersensitive immune system, symptoms may persist for years after exposure to chemicals. Anhydrides – used in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, coatings, adhesives, casting and sealing materials can cause a variety of hypersensitivity responses of immunity. These include asthma, anemia, hypersensitivity pneumonia, and contact dermatitis. When exposed by inhalation may cause lung disease. Various anhydrides can cause this reaction. Metals – can cause pulmonary hypersensitivity reactions. Since nickel is a common sensitizer with prolonged contact, such as through jewelry, coins fasteners and wear. Lung problems may occur if inhaled in workers of metallurgical plants during the mining, milling and smelting of nickel. Beryllium may produce on contact hypersensitivity reaction type tuberculin. The effects of this metal is most common in the aerospace industry workers, high-tech production of ceramic, dental alloys, manufacturing, electronics, and nuclear weapons and nuclear industries. Inhalation can cause severe pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, chronic disease and lung cancer. Other metals can also cause hypersensitivity immune system include platinum, cobalt and chromium. Penicillin is the most common drug that can cause allergic reactions. The impact of penicillin is responsible for 75% of deaths from anaphylaxis in the United States. Severe reactions have been identified to a lesser extent, if penicillin is taken orally. Cosmetics, personal care products and enzyme extracts from plants are known to cause hypersensitivity as well. This is not an full list of chemicals that can cause allergies. But certainly a list of most common and causing the greatest harm to the immune system, by bringing it to the state hypersensitivity.

Favorite Job

Each of us sooner or later confronted with the question “What do I want to do in this life and what my calling.” Someone begins to reflect on this issue already with 12 years, and someone pays attention to it only after 40. But no matter how much you did not have years, never too late to change your life for the better. So. In this article, at least the philosophy and the maximum practical advice and exercises. So if you really, not just in words like engage in life only things you love, then take the paper and a pen and do it! Write down on paper at least 30 points what you enjoy doing in life. Write as much as possible. These lessons should provide you with energy and inspiration. Can not be limited to 30 points.