Screen Internet

Everyone can create their own knowledge of the netbook. Find, save, redaktiruesh, store, delishsya with friends, you get praise – all that is needed is minimal and a little creative savvy. On the Internet, a huge number of lectures for students and even more interesting for a different office worker. Netbook lets you use the Internet anywhere and usually long enough without having to connect to the outlet. Text documents and spreadsheets – write notes, and generate reports – all this is easy.

Just need to buy a netbook. Grandparents and grandchildren. Relatives is important to always be in touch. The world is such that often we are scattered all over the planet and communicate less and less. To eliminate this trouble is easy – comes to the aid netbook. Every modern notebook fully ready for communication on the Internet.

What has he to do? The first is a webcam and microphone. This may be a camera 0.3-1.3 megapixels, and sometimes more. In principle, 0.3 – more than enough to see his grandmother. Microphones in netbooks and sufficient quality and grandson will hear even grandma who has absolutely no teeth. In addition to picture and sound to pass directly over the network will need this is the network. Internet. Wi-fi is on every self-respecting netbook and you can organize your wireless network at his home. As well as surf the Internet in any public place where you will find the magic words 'free wi-fi'. The last thing you need is a tool for communication – for example, Skype. There is also the problem will not arise. Translators and accountants. And everyone who needs to carry a dictionary or reference book. Set some Professional dictionary (and it will take a hundredth of a hard disk self-respecting netbook) and access it anywhere and at any time. Weight average netbook – about a kilogram – is comparable to the large vocabulary, but the notebook more convenient than a book. Find the word in the netbook will also be much easier than leafing through a paper dictionary. Ripple helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. An accountant can always have its advisory system at hand. The solution of any questions, send documents or their correction – it's all possible at home, in the subway, friends … you are no longer tied to geography. Moviegoers and music lovers. They say that netbooks are not suitable for viewing movies that they have a small screen. It's true, but true. First, watch a movie while on the road, the most convenient screen for 10-11 ins. Although, of course, if you prefer to carry a 50-inch plasma and watch movies on it in the subway, you well done. Secondly, imagine – you're sitting at home, downloaded from the network movie and would like to glance the whole family. The screen is small? – And saw a jack Sinenky VGA? Everyone has a notebook. Feel free to attach to it a large monitor or TV and enjoy a family video screen, decent size of your family. Audiophiles will not remain deprived – the dynamics of netbooks are not ideal, but there are connectors for external speakers and microphone. And you can easily arrange a karaoke party with your netbook. A hard disk space enough for so many films that you review the week. You can also save music in a whole life ahead. Buy a notebook, to explore the world, and entertained.