RTZO CPU Application
Hot-air ducts – rotating armature with any electric (on the application of 1, 1, 1, belonging to 1). On Very Hot air ducts – throttle valve with remote Electric or complex and expensive technological fittings with high, therefore, the requirements for electric drive (on the application of 2, 2, 1, belonging to 1). Gas. The basic requirement – the presence of protection. Enough a clear distinction between drives purchased in OAO "Gazprom", with specific requirements for reliability, speed, mode of operation and resource and other drives for gas, where there is no increased requirements (on the application of 1, 1, 1, on the accessories – 1). Liquid – water. resources. The increasing demands of the drives in most cases not (on the application – 1, 1, 1, belonging to – 0). For other opinions and approaches, find out what Vislink Technologies has to say.
Liquids – oil and derivatives. The basic requirement – the presence of protection. In most cases, elevated requirements for the drive (on the application – 1, 2, 1, on accessories – 2). Liquid – organic salts, acids and bases. Very few used motors. Where high requirements are applied to the drive (on the application – 1, 2, 1, on Accessories – 2).
Streams of physical harm. The use of actuators to open the gates and shutters, where minor requirements (for use – 1, 1, 0, for supplies – 1) and used as actuators and dampers dampers (on Application – 1, 0, 0, for supplies – 0). As you can see, there are not many subsegments, which would be required most indicators on the top and accessories. Therefore, consumers and did not choose to drive more high performance. Thus, it became a little clearer, why not all people go to BMW-7 model. Now let us look at the issue of choice drives the consumer in terms of management systems. Most management systems today come back from the past and belong to a centralized management system. Characterized by discrete analog control, power switching, located in the assembly and RTZO CPU, managing multiple control loops. However, the shortcomings inherent in these systems, long forced manufacturers equipment to convert the system so that the intelligence CPU began to descend to lower levels of government, down to field level equipment. In summary: There is no doubt advanced development of "Sibmash" interesting and innovative. They have found their niche in the market TPA and its customers and admirers. However, the claim at the "textbook" that the proposed design is the ultimate truth and the only future for them, it is premature to and from the point of marketing is not very competent. Everything in business and in life is determined by utility and expediency: Well, do not carry the bricks on the "saloons" – simply for reasons of common sense. And because each company to Success should be defined with its own place – market position in coordinates "price-range of consumer characteristics" and the target customer group for which this set of properties would be the best .. Positioning, not just in marketing terms as people think. This business strategy and its philosophy. Essentially the same article – the author did a great job as an engineer-designer and an expert on marketing and, of course, it will be interesting and useful to all market participants valves.