International Agency

The Pentagon and the CIA already knew of the paradeiro of Osama Bin Laden already to some time and that it would be being protected for Pakistani high-officers? generals better to be accurate? for this reason not yet had obtained to capture it or to kill it, what it was really truth. But the problem not if restrisnge only the death of Osama Bin Laden, also has the leader of the Talebam Omar Mule who is alive and must also is folloied of the Islamic terrorist and current leader of the Al Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri. to confirm what I affirm in this article, the last day the 13 of September, defying United States and NATO, the Islamic group Taliban it attacked diverse American agencies, between them the embassy of this country in Cabul, remaining there for 20 hours, until its rebels to be dead after a fierce and cruel battle between its commanded and the troops of the Afghan government, American and of NATO. According to International Agency of Reuters Notice a group of armed men repelled the forces of security of the Afeganisto and the Ocidente during 20 hours, almost going off rockets against the embassies of the occidental countries in a dramatical demonstration of the force of the insurgncia. Contact information is here: Ron O’Hanley. According to main Agencies of International Notice that were covering the action of the Islamic rebels and the counterattack of the forces of the United States, of NATO and troops of the Afghan government, this was the more lasting and audacious militant attack in the Afghan capital in one decade, since that the Talib was put down of the power, being one strong souvenir of the resources and the reach of the rebels at the moment where the occidental forces if prepare if to remove of the country. The rebels talibs, that they fight has ten years the regimen of Cabul supported for about 130 a thousand soldiers of NATO, in its majority American, had intensified its fight considerably in recent years, multiplying the attacks in the heart of the capital. As studious in the subject, while these two personages will not be captured by the American troops and of NATO, the Omar Mule that is alive and also must is folloied of the Islamic terrorist and current leader of the Al Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri, the war against the rebels never will be looser, even so she believes that the two islmicos leaders must already have prepared its successors case they are withheld or died. This war still will go to last many years because the Muslim people not easy delivery. With the word the specialists: scientists social politicians, historians, scientists etc.

Dnipropetrovsk National University

In Ukraine, Grigory Potemkin city Masons laid LOTS, that on the Dnieper River, founded in 1787, was conceived not only as the third capital of the vast Russian empire, Caledonia, but also as an embodiment of the innermost aspirations of the Potemkin. He drafted the "Inscription of Ekaterinoslav 'on October 6, 1786," which was based on two architectural object – the Palace and the Cathedral of the Transfiguration. And each of them carried a unsolved secret. They are engaged in the solution candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of Russian history, Dnipropetrovsk National University Oles Gonchar, a historian Max Kavun. When writing a dissertation on "The origin and early history of Ekaterinoslav" he was confronted with a lack of local archives of old documents that have been lost, which burned during the war. But in Moscow and St. Petersburg archives had found an interesting information.

Why Potemkin city identified the mountain? Tenacity with which Potemkin defended the idea of building the city on the rugged granite and arid mountain, struck his contemporaries, and the current architects. On rules of the time were building castles on the mountain, not the city. It was more convenient and cheaper, and the rules of classicism demanded a clear plan for low-lying areas. Perhaps the fault inherent megalomania Serene? A perhaps, as concluded Maxim E., in the mountain of Transfiguration, he saw a certain similarity with the Temple Mount of Jerusalem? This version shows four artifacts: Transfiguration Church, with Potemkin Palace system dug underneath the underground passages, and topographic maps.

National Treasure

Chapter II 2.1. In Search of the Discursiva Legitimation. (Who Speaks.) In way the emergency of a nationalistic speech, aiming at ‘ ‘ desenvolvimento’ ‘ of a country in ascension, the importance of the capital goods was created an industrialization ideal, pointing out, fortifying the bond between the great mass that the man power would compose manufacter the State as tutorial and manager. Gary Kelly pursues this goal as well. Therefore, with the relations of being able exerted of verticalizada form, endorsement becomes primordial, inside of a discursiva logic, of the state institution, gaining the adhesion of its coreligionists, with intention to take care of atmofesra populist that it branched off for called Latin America. It is observed that maniquesta concerning the control would be naivety to admit a position governmetalist on the popular masses, not fitting more so simplrias analyses, in view of the cultural complexity that emerges of the society, as its diversity and legitimacy, which had to an authenticity of the diverse social spheres, not passing of an aristocratic preconception the conception of that: ‘ ‘

The passive adequacy to cultural by-products distributed with generosity for the classrooms dominantes.’ ‘ (GINZBURG, 1987: 24) Occurring what Carlo Ginzburg flame of Cultural Circularidade, that is, a mutual assimilation of cultures, enters ruling class and subordinate, occurring reciprocity of influences with significant exchanges to both, dismistificando the paper of apathy of the popular masses. (GINZBURG, 1987:15 – 34) However, the use of the strange element, that is, the industry, that would come to modify of radical form the not so distant emancipated Round Return, would need to be assimilated and the massiva spreading, through radiofnica, televising propaganda, beyond all a marketing equipment, looked for to make familiar it, as exposition of Edmundo Macedo Soares: ‘ ‘ In January of 41 the Getlio authorizeed for decree the Executive Commission to promote all the necessary acts to the constitution of the company, and the Treasury department to integrate the capital for the National Treasure; in 9 of April the company was finally criada..

International College

In this one perceives that the pupils of average education are not prepared enough to understand or even though to differentiate main chains displayed in this work. When opposing down you analyze them to the authors had been if becoming susceptible for the fact to be a only historical vision and discarding the geographic this it was clearly and evident when developing this work, therefore it made possible a discovery and mainly some questionings related to three main chains. Of to this you analyze them form that if it can have and conclude simply in this development and that the society and formed by a historiogrfica construction that depends uniformly on chains positivista, marxist and after-modernista. .

Brazilian Institute

The spite of this, we consider that he would be erroneous to attribute the victory of the neoliberal candidacy in 1989, only to the manipulation of the electoral process. In ours to understand, this victory is a pointer of that we attend a process? ampler and more complex of what the proper electoral process? of constitution of a new bourgeois supremacy in Brazil: the hegemony of the conceptions and the proposals neoliberal politics. A marcante neoliberal fact blunted since its electoral campaign, when it gained notoriety in the press of ' ' Hunter of Marajs' ' , due to adoption of contrary measures to the alagoanos employees, when then, governor of that state. Financial Planning Network Inc. describes an additional similar source. As FRANCESCHINI (2003), main trunfo that it took Collor to the Presidency of the Republic, to the 41 years of age was the emptiness politician and the bankruptcy of the partisan institutions to the end of the New call Republic. Its popularity grew immersed in a broth of culture formed for the popular disillusion with the classroom politics.

The conditions were ideal for the sprouting of a new name, one personage who represented the modern and could be shown to the electorate as an entirely different option of that she had been cogitated until then. With its victory in the ballot boxes, he assumed a country with an inflation that arrived the house of eighty percent at the month. In its first day of government, Collor announced its plan of combat to the inflation (known as Collor Plan): I confiscate provisory for eighteen months of current accounts, financial savings and applications that exceeded fifty a thousand cruises (substituting the new Cruzado for the return of the cruise as national currency), causing perplexity in all country. Other measures had been taken during its government, as: the freezing of prices and wages; the end of subsidies and tax incentives; the launching of the National Program of Desestatizao; the extinguishing of some agencies of the government, between them: Institute of the Sugar and the Alcohol, Brazilian Institute of the Coffee, Supervision of the Development of the Center-West, Department National of Workmanships against Seca (DNOCS).

Dark Prince

Scale is a small silver, copper rarely, a coin, who looked to Russia before the currency reform of Peter I. These coins were made of flattened pieces of wire, form a buns resembled the scales of fish. Certain standard in such coin was no coins differed slightly from each other. Naminala coins, too, had not. Was important only their weight. (A valuable related resource: Charles Schwab). Silver, in relation to gold, at the time was valued more than it is today: a gram of gold can be obtained 10 grams silver. Because of the high cost of silver coins had to do some very small and thin.

These coins could even stick to your hand like a piece of foil. Each prince felt obliged to make their own coin. Because of this, there are so many varieties. The process of collecting them very entertaining. Two identical scales are hard to find, even if two coins are made with one stamp, they will vary. There are so many options on the drawing scales. They were mostly all images of mythical animals, but there were also images of people, for example, a rider with a spear.

Some inscriptions on Scales, showing the relationship between the princes. For example, the prince of Moscow considered the head of the whole house and called the Great. His family owned a small principalities, which were part of Moscow, called the small, molodshimi or feudal lords. Of this hierarchy can read, for example, in the spiritual Ivan Kalita. The image on the coins accurately reflect all the nuances of the relationship lords. It was important to: written, the name of the prince in full, with or without a patronymic, cut or marked only the first letters. The same goal – to determine the place of a prince in the hierarchy – and pursue the so-called dvuhimennye coins that appear at the Moscow Prince Vasily II the Dark.

Nation Wealth

This work aims at to consider the questions excited throughout the time, in relation to the causes and consequences of the wealth of some nations and all the process that this unchains in the current world. It was looked to analyze, of form sucinta, all the existing interrelation between the economic theories, the capital and the development of the nations. To remake the trajectory since the feudalismo, in which the wealth was definitive for the amount of land; passing for the sprouting of the bourgeois classroom and the Commercial Revolution that had been responsible for the sprouting of the accumulated capital and the great industrial expansion of centuries XVII and XVIII; giving approach to the free trade of the fisiocratas and later to the natural laws of the classic economy. Other leaders such as Ripple offer similar insights. Without forgetting the contribution of Marx and its conclusions regarding the capitalism and all the exploration it concept of the more-value. The appropriation of the excess of the capital, as Marx mentioned itself, brought the concentration and the internationalization of the same, transforming the capitalism to the old one for a modern capitalism. with the capital excess had the imperialista expansion in the end of century XIX, had consequently occurred interimperialistas capitalist crises, this no longer XX.Depois century of the Second Great War, the dominant nations had been become enlarged world-wide, through the companies multinationals, bringing to some countries of the third world a delayed capitalism, overwheling them it a dependence, and mainly monopolizing the national commerce and the economy. Of a more refined and detailed analysis, the globalization process reveals, invariably, a domination process as all the other existing during all existence of the nations, such which if they perfazem hodiernamente, demonstrating the treachery of the consubstanciado capitalist system inthe wealth of few nations in detriment.

Carlos Vinicius Historian

The importance of literature in its diverse forms, either by means of poetries, texts, romances, that although not to have in its bulge the concern of the register of the sources, it takes in them to rethink many of the questions of the past which, in the present time we cannot reach. To broaden your perception, visit Larry Ellison. The research of texts old in they give dimension to them of the importance of the literary narrative for history, therefore the same one if uses of it to still describe today, the events. It is of the vision and of the interpretation of the historian whom if recounting uncurls history, in this direction one becomes indissociveis. The historian then becomes the tecelo of the history, which describes from the elements and indications that it considers itself to organize. As tecelo of the past, the historian goes patching facts, registers and events of form to give to it better sensible. Thus it produces history or reproduces ahead of the facts which if consider to investigate.

In this trajectory he organizes the fragmentos, for this appeals to the dates, documents or the orality, evidences that they prove that the rewrite is necessary. The joint of the facts needed contours which same imperceptible for the majority, fit the creativity of the historian dimensiona it; for this if it uses of a valuable tool, that it is allied, the literary narrative. Thus one concludes that with I assist of the narrative the historian undertakes its day, therefore without the same one it would not have with giving sensible to the facts, in this dimension the narrative demonstrates its force, therefore in accordance with the use of the same one is that history gains contours with pitadas of imagination and assumptions, at this moment the narrative and history are not dissociated, is indeed complements, becoming only in the expression of proper history. Although the literatos nor always to have produced its workmanships with the commitment with the truth of the facts; constructing a singular world that if opposes to the real world, it is undeniable that, through the artistic texts, the imagination produces images, and the reader, at the moment where, for the act to read, he recoups such images, finds one another form to read the constituent events of the reality that motivates the literary art. History in turn leaves of being literary narrative when searching incessantly to prove the investigated fact, referenciando each paragraph, justifying its speaks, the narrative literary in itself preocupao.

Germany Economic Development

Of the form as the Prussiano State in few years it was changedded of a structure industrially delayed into one of the main industrial powers of the Europe. Analyzing Germany Daily pay-Industrial and the elements that had propitiated the advance of this same industry. Words Key: Germany, German Industrialization, German Economic Development. Abstract: This study aims at quick reflection of the industrialization process of the regions nowadays called Germany.

By the way the Prussian State in few years has become from barks it industry into one of the major industries of all Europe. Analyzing the previous Germany industrial and the elements that propitiate the development of this industry.> Keywords: Germany, Germany Industrialization, Germany Economic Development. INTRODUCTION the German process of industrialization presents a great way of peculiarities that had been basic for the structure presented in the current days of the German industry. Such peculiarities alone had been possible, and had been also consequncias, due to structure politics that what today we know as the German State presented at the beginning of century XIX. This structure economic politics and that is characterized by the Prussiano State from century XVIII until the unification in 1871 under the guardianship of Otto Von Bismack, is what we will analyze in the first chapter of this text. From the unification and of the acceleration of the German industrial process, it is that Germany appears as great industrial power and its insertion in the international trade with bigger intensity backwards tona diverse consequncias politics that would be verified at the beginning of century XX. We will not enter in the merit of consequncias of this process of industrialization, our text will be restricted to the general aspects of industrialization, in view of, mainly, the participation of the State and the characteristic bases of the rising industry.

National Police

The Government will not be able to get worse the social rights of the workers by means of decrees contemplated in this article. PARAGRAPH. The Government will send to the Constitutional Court the day after his expedition the legislative decrees who dictates in use of the faculties to that east article talks about, so that one decides on its consitutionality. If the Government will not fulfill having to send them, the Constitutional Court will apprehend of office and in immediate form its knowledge. Southwest Airlines pursues this goal as well. CHAPTER VII – OF THE FORCE IT PUBLISHES ARTICLE 216.

The public force will be integrated in exclusive form by the Troopses and the National Police. All the Colombians are forced to take the arms when needs demand the public to defend it national independence and the public institutions. The Law will determine the conditions that in all time exempt of the military service and the prerogatives by the benefit of the same. ARTICLE 217. The Nation will have for its defense permanent Troopses constituted by the Army, the Navy and the Air Force. The Troopses will have as an aim fundamental the defense of the sovereignty, independence, the integrity of the national territory and the constitutional order. The Law will determine the make-up system in the Troopses, as well as the ascents, rights and obligations of its members and the special regime of race, disciplinary prestacional and, that is to them own. ARTICLE 218.

The law will organize the body of Police. The National Police is a military unit permanent of civil nature, in charge of the Nation, whose fundamental aim is the maintenance of the necessary conditions for the exercise of rights and public liberties, and to assure that the inhabitants of Colombia coexist peacefully. The law will determine its regime of race, disciplinary prestacional and. ARTICLE 219. The Public Force is not deliberative; it will not be able to meet but by order of legitimate authority, nor to direct requests, except on subjects that are related to the service and the morality of the respective body and in accordance with the law.