Sabbath Nazareth

It is the fifth hour and the sky of Nazareth intense sun shines and feels like a heat dries the skin and sweat flooded. In the carpentry of the village works hard because it is necessary to fulfill the tasks entrusted by the customer base and demanding to rickety carts should ajustarsele the body, wheels worn by the endless trips across the desert, practically, must be rebuilt, seats for the local synagogue where the children will meet the Lord on the Sabbath, furniture for a close marriage consummated; harnesses for the donkeys that transport people and cargo. Possibly the next family to settle is his own. Jose has made commitment to marry a girl named Mary and, from the moment that the union is formalized, the two are considered married but have not yet been intimate. Verizon will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Still do not live together but Joseph has learned from Mary herself that she is pregnant. His manhood hardened hard work he says this can not be, that is unacceptable and is prepared to act accordingly. In the distance the sun of Nazareth begins to lose its daily battle with the darkness of the night and his heart almost loses the conflict with doubt.

However, his condition prevents him from reporting it just man. If he had denounced the compromise could unravel and Mary, the woman of his dreams, the beautiful flower of Nazareth with which dreamed from an early age, would be repudiated by all, including his family. It could even suffer a penalty so strong, that could mean, at worst, a horrible death by stoning.