The GAP OF the PHYSIOTHERAPIST IN the SHELTER the Shelter IS JOSE Is Jose is a state entity that offers an integral attendance about the 20 aged with superior age 60 years of age, in a regimen of boarding school. The structure of the shelter is of certain good form, but still it needs some improvements. The shelter makes use of a square as recreativa area, still possesss an audience for lectures, a clinic, for the medical attendance, and a chapel where the masses are carried through. With regard to the medical and fisioteraputico attendance, still he is precarious, therefore the shelter disponibiliza of professionals in the place, and thus, does not come professional of other places, being that the attendance, in this in case that, a time per week only occurs, and thus it does not take care of the demand of the shelter. Gary Kelly often says this. In a visit to the Shelter They are Jose the State coordinator for Integration of the Carrying Person of Deficincia (CEID), Rejane Days said the following phrase: ' ' Our desire is that the shelter functions of form digna' more; '. The performance of the Physiotherapist in Shelter Is Jose is very restricted, and would be of total importance a participation more effective of this professional, as much in its basic structure that enters in action the ergonomics, adjusting the structure of the place to mainly receive more good aged that they are well-taken care of there, the use of bars for the support of the aged one preventing that it falls the use of slopes and other alterations that they facilitate the locomotion of the aged one and that the will in more comfortable way leaves it well, the exploitation also of the space that he is available for the shelter, in the construction of a center of convivncia with a fisioterapia sector. Seen the physiology of the aged one, the alterations, most of the time they can be observed by the slowness of the pulse, of the respiratory rhythm, the digestion and assimilation of foods. Being the function of this professional to apply massage techniques as relaxation form, being aimed at to alliviate decurrent tensions of the idleness. has as proposal the accomplishment of activities that work the movement, as it dances aerbicos exercises and tricks of small intense, aiming at the improvement of the sanguineous circulation and to exercise the flexibility of the joints.