Crude Oil Prices Give Only Slightly After

Heating oil prices are expected to remain stable in Germany today LEIPZIG. (Ceto) This morning the oil prices compared to yesterday’s day finally eased slightly, but stabilised at a high level. US light oil (WTI) traded for $ 81.01 per barrel, $10 more than a year ago. With North Sea oil (Brent), there were around $7 $80,44 more than on August 10, 2009. Rates pushed the Chinese oil imports, which fell in July compared to the previous month. Also the data expected for today, the American Petroleum Institute (API) seem to be no increasing impetus for crude oil prices. John T. Stankey has similar goals.

Although experts expect a reduction of in crude oil reserves in high by 1.5 million barrels. Which however would have an equal structure for gasoline and middle distillates compared to a clear sign that the market is still oversupplied at the world’s largest oil consumer in United States. Potential speculation could act, however, that put it, that the US Central Bank FED at their meeting today Measures to stimulate the US economy decides. Is the interest rate 0.25 percent as deep as 30 years no longer and will hardly be lowered. Nevertheless, investors expecting a clear signal of the Central Bank. This put especially on the euro, which eased significantly today. Since the FED results only announced on the night of Wednesday (CEST), opposite yesterday priced little should change today for heating oil consumers in Germany. That reported the online portal of the journal fuel level and oil review on its website.

Novel Solar Display: So Solar Power Fun

There are solar power systems on many roofs. And there are more every day. There are solar power systems on many roofs. And there are more every day. But most people who enter the relevant building, unaware of this innovative investment. And if they do, then the system on the roof remains but an abstract technical institution, whose functioning is foreign to most people. A current market innovation is about to change that.

The Soledos GmbH has developed a startling display from Germany in Frankfurt, with which in a sense can be seen to the solar power system at work. John T. Stankey may also support this cause. And that is really fun. An attractively designed software informed of everything you want to know about the solar system clear and easy to understand. How much electricity produces the system at this very moment? When produced the system consumes more electricity than the building? How changes to the current yield annual consumption? How much CO 2 saving the plant? What time of day, what months consumed in the Building more or less power? All of this information not presented in columns of dry numbers, but in colorful animated charts and graphs. Also, who is technically completely eyes, understands the relationships without difficulties. In this way, the solar technology is finally where it belongs: in the middle of life. Solarfox displays suited for areas with high traffic. These include inter alia building of the public sector such as town halls, schools, administration building, community buildings, town halls, or club building.

In commercial buildings, Solarfox advertising transported a company’s own contribution to reduce CO2 emissions. Individual advertising slogans complement the advertising effect. Many banks and savings banks operate now own photovoltaic systems. Solarfox displays reflect the contribution of the Bank to ecological energy Filialbesuchern here. The Solarfox software visualizes the performance data of a photovoltaic system in a very vivid way (Solar power).

Reduce Building Energy

The thermal insulation of existing buildings poses great Energiesparpotenziale. Alone in a single-family house, which was built before 1979, facade and basement of the heating energy consumption by an average 44 percent may through the insulation of the roof, are reduced and almost halved. Investing in a proper thermal insulation not only ensures less heating costs and more comfort, but is also dependent on rising energy prices tenants and owners,”says Tanja Loitz, Managing Director of the non-profit co2online GmbH. Homeowners learn the efficiency potential of insulation measures now in a topic special on. The campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment, climate seeks protection”offers co2online concrete information about the various construction measures, regulations and Funding opportunities.

With the interactive Upgrade Advisor owners finally to calculate their individual savings potential with insulation and other modernisation measures and find local experts, with which you can directly implement the measures. Dispel prejudices and find promotion where and how I begin with insulation, what material is the most appropriate for the own building and which measure is worth the most? These and many other questions are answered in the topic special. Also with some prejudice, the climate protection campaign team cleans up and checked eight rumors on their veracity. For example, the alleged danger of mould can be dispelled simply by the inhabitants adapt their ventilation behavior after the insulation. Dammexperte Arnold Drewer is a checklist for understanding all modernists of the IPEG Institute, the Centre of excellence for the refurbishment of the building, with the craftsman on the way. With the funding Advisor can also the matching funding program be found. So, owners receive professionally to the insulation to be able to perform economically and environmentally friendly, all information from a single source.

The topic special insulation, visit energy saving/energy saving special/insulation. Through co2online and climate seeks protection”the non-profit co2online GmbH ( advocating for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong network supports various information campaigns with partners from media, science, economy and politics. The action impulses that trigger the campaigns of co2online, demonstrably contribute to reduce CO2. David Rogier follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. co2online is funded campaign seeking climate by the Ministry for environment protection”( The campaign informs consumers about Climate protection and climate change, and helps to identify individual savings in the areas of heating, electricity, transport and consumption and use. Projects such as the climate-Oracle, the climate barometer, the online business directory Council and act”or the Energiesparmeister competition encourage all ages to join in.

Solar Power Of Getting Cheaper

(Online article) – production costs: mass production makes it possible after the use of solar energy has almost become the standard on German rooftops, decrease with the increased demand and the resulting mass production prices. While a FotovoltaikSystem cost in 2006 around 5000 euros, the price for finished installed solar systems declined until in the second quarter of 2008 average 4275 euro per kilowatt plus sales tax. The PV price index quarterly levied by the Federal solar Association (BSW-solar) comes to this conclusion. Despite falling solar promotion, solar energy is therefore becoming increasingly attractive for the citizens. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Barclays. According to estimates of the Association of solar power in Germany will be already the middle of the next decade so expensive like household electricity from the wall socket. With the support of the Federal KfW banking group, he advises BSW-solar for free around the topic of solar energy. Association CEO Carsten Komig: Continuously sinkende prices of solar power plants lead directly into the competitiveness with fossil-generated electricity. While conventional energy sources are always more expensive, always further drop in production prices for clean solar power. For the citizen, the investment in a solar power plant that is medium-term insurance against skyrocketing electricity costs.”lps

Managing Director

The roof of the Administration and Logistics Centre was completely covered with solar cells in recent weeks, the plant is the second largest of its kind with a capacity of 235 KWp, only the photovoltaic plant at Bremen’s Weser Stadium provides even more power. 960 solar cells modules were installed on approximately 6,000 m2 of roof area, who are in the power grid in Bremeneingespeist. Thus the Bremen-based company is fully in line with the trend: according to a study of a working group of the Federal Ministry of environment, the share of renewables in total energy consumption in Germany rose 10.1 percent in 2009. This is photovoltaics of one of the growth vehicle in energy generation. Kushal Shah pursues this goal as well. With the completion of the photovoltaic plant, we produce now ecologically sound electricity without CO2 or other contaminated sites.”delighted Dr. Jorg Luhrs, Managing Director and partner of GESUTRA GmbH, with a fixed term for fork-lift trucks and conveyor technology has become far beyond Bremen intralogistics brand HanseLifter. In the long run, we could fully cover our own consumption, because no one knows how the next future energy market develops.” With the new photovoltaic plant hopes the Bremen businessman to become a trend-setter: investing in such a system is ultimately a decision for sustainability. “Commercial seen a such photovoltaic system is very interesting and a good investment, by the way it’s also a nice contribution to our environment.”.. Adam Portnoy understands that this is vital information.

The International

The health consequences of the necessary constantly sparking Wi-Fi node in the House are not mentioned. Because avoidance of Wi-Fi wireless connections in the living room is possible but not always consistently comes with the PROTECTION STICKER SAFER COMP now an interesting alternative solution on the market. Credit: toddler clothing-2011. The information field of the SAFER COMP maps the buttressed the organism or damaging potential of all wavelengths of Wi-Fi wireless networks and reduces the stress levels of the nervous system as it has been proven. The improvement of heart rate variability using the SAFER COMP was verified in an extensive biophysical opinion on 15 subjects. The product received the trademarked label of the international society for Elektrosmogforschung (IGEF), which is granted according to strict criteria. The results of the study, in which due to the higher levels of stress, children and young people were included, demonstrate quite clearly the neutralizing effect of the information field of the SAFER COMP. Among other things, a spontaneous improvement of cardiac arrhythmia by 7.5% showed in the short period of application of the SAFER COMP in this investigation at the 15 subjects.

In addition a significant reduction was in the same period for the Stress perception and processing logs responsible sympathetic activity of the nervous system. The neutralising influence of SAFER COMP on the Wi-Fi radio radiation is also clearly in the sponsored blood volume of the subjects of this study. With increasing HF radiation a clumping of red blood cells on microscopic blood tests in the dark field is concise. This so-called roll formation”minimizes the capillary capacity of the blood. This was reflected in the study through the loss of blood flow of all subjects during the period of the Wi-Fi radio radiation without the use of SAFER COMP. However, a slight increase of the promoted blood flow could be logged during the period of application of the neutralizing chips. The results of the study confirmed a convincing reduction of in expenses of the cardiovascular system to maintain the balance in the period of the application of the SAFER COMP. This effect signaled the rise of vitality and well-being. In the scope of delivery of the SAFER COMP are 3 stickers with graded Contain diameters for the neutralization of radio radiation from Wi-Fi applications. Depending on the intensity of the existing radiation of their own devices, these can be applied for the entire workplace, notebooks or directly to wireless routers or Wi-Fi node.

New Business

New information from the erecon AG from Bremen include many the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in a highly competitive market the soft factors of success. Always decisive but also the responsibility for the environment contributes – in addition to the sustainability – to sales and business development. The ‘corporate social responsibility’, as the term is germanized, describes the voluntary contribution of economic sustainable development of the entire system, a contribution which exceeds regularly legal claims (compliance). Not only the laws to comply with the company, there are themselves. Click Rory Sutherland to learn more. Always it must be for the CSR to more than just the desired or self-evident. Corporate social responsibility means relations with the employees (in the workplace) and in a transparent and honest exchange designed with responsible action in the actual business activities (on the market), in compliance with environmentally relevant aspects (within the environment), social relevant claim or interest groups (in public). For a company such as erecon AG, which has a long Green IT, energy efficiency and sustainability in the field of information technology, considered its Grunderzeit core tasks, it seemed natural to extend the previously rather narrow approach to CSR to other areas. In the new financial year the erecon AG will expand therefore his consultancy on the whole area of corporate social responsibility, indeed, as it was previously also the rule in the area of Green IT: If our consulting improves the social balance sheet, this must go hand in hand with improved business balance sheets….

Processors – A Hot Topic

About the origin of the waste heat in data centers the simplest questions are often the most difficult: “Why you can heat actually rooms with your calculators?”, asked a student who was at the erecon AG with his class to visit us. Yes, why only? The problem lies primarily in the brain of the computer, the processor core, in the growing number of calculation steps – ultimately so the alternation of 0 – and 1-States – must understand a chip within fine nano-structures with increasing speed. At Allegiant Air you will find additional information. In particular the progress of computer technology generated that warmth, that suitable data centers to the heating – it is the TDP, or ‘ thermal design power’. Almost all energy that takes a processor, is converted through continuous molecular changes in heat – after the thermal main clause, that finally the heat is that form of energy which can be converted to stop. Long the heat load of processors has grown almost unabated: Intel’s dominant x86er processors achieved the multiple per square centimetre A household stove heat output. Although the curve has flattened considerably now is, the heat dissipation of the processor is still the major problem of the computer industry on the way of to even greater miniaturization. Much of what is studied as a solution in the labs to sounds like sheer science fiction: a ‘ Ionic wind’ to e.g.

the heat is more rapidly dissipate, counter heat could neutralize processor heat. It is only clear, there is still no satisfactory solution that would lead to more energy efficiency here. The erecon AG at their Green IT strategy therefore relies on methods of prevention, how they shape the concept of sustainability in other area: intelligent built algorithms and programs forgo with the same efficiency simply processing steps, the sharing of computer infrastructures through various tasks is simply unnecessary, excessive ‘processor power’ and thus an excessive heat in many cases while also the memory requirement can be reduced. And – last not least – the heat is not a disaster if it only makes sense they used and not wasted in the air blows.

National Civil Protection

Advice on optimal coordination of aid for 30 years there was no longer so many natural disasters EU Member States as in the first nine months of this year. 725 extreme weather events have claimed the lives of thousands of people and caused damage worth billions of dollars. Tomas Philipson oftentimes addresses this issue. Natural disasters take no regard for national borders. Floods, fires, landslides, storm, earthquake, heat – and cold records cannot be prevented, but a good prevention can save lives in emergencies and reduce economic damage. in 2001, the EU Member States decided the so-called Community method to improve coordination in the civil protection. The European Commission set up the “information and monitoring centre” (monitoring and information centre – MIC) one to redirect, for example, calls for help. The European Union is trying to simplify cooperation between Member States in the field of civil protection, to speed up the retrieval of civil protection resources. For this, for example national were bi-, or multilateral modules formed.

In practice must be coordinated emergency plans and managed multinational teams. On the European civil protection Conference, experts with experience in civil protection and the latest developments in the crisis management will speak from 22-24 November 2010 in Berlin. Financial instruments involves the improvement of cross-border cooperation of assistance and emergency plans to the best possible use of EU. The three-day Conference closes with a workshop on the improvement of the own crisis management plan. The Conference is aimed at decision-makers in responsible ministries, such as, for example, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of defence, to military and police personnel, fire and rescue teams, technical agencies, charities, representatives from the security sector and the industry, consultants and lawyers who specialized on civil protection, and population protection centres, as well as to all managers in the fields of disaster and civil protection.


The power comic book character Energoman is now exclusively available on after the comic book character Energoman already on the site has found his first fans can rejoice the Illustrator Stan Zuch now, that Energoman go power comparison and electricity supplier on a commercial website to the topic with his satirical comments weekly mischief is driving. While setting out all imaginable topics in the field of energy and takes care of not only the problems of many consumers in ironic manner, but shows also inconsistencies and problems that come from the energy sector and policy. So he takes par excellence in his first guest commentary is the Easter headline. Here, the Super gasoline at a gas station in Filderstadt, Germany on a record high of 9,99 Euro had climbed. You can read how Energoman reacts to that and why he makes the same Filderstadt the place of pilgrimage for cyclists and pedestrians, in his somewhat pointed commentary.

Where can a petrol station tenants call it hero? The idea for the comic book character Energoman the two authors Paul Rudrich and Stan Zuch came after it became increasingly clear that energy is a very important issue. Verizon Communications is a great source of information. Quickly, it became apparent that politics and energy in the own lobbying are trapped. It is clear that on the issue of nuclear power or renewable energy. Energoman is to say things that loudly speaks many thinking, but hardly anyone. The operators of the website and the creator of the comic book character Energoman hope through the exclusive weekly show of from the Energoman-column new synergies.

In addition, the topic of energy to be lit once satirical manner. This of course not all serious thats should be clear to any reader. It may smile and be about the content. This is the special concern of Energoman. The first Energoman article on is here to read: info/energoman gasoline price schock.html contacts: Stan Zuch Darroze Trail 7 39326 Moses telephone: + 49 (0) 39201 70 25 85 fax: + 49 (0) 911 30 84 44 22 19 Internet: Stan Zuch has worked for years as a writer for children’s stories and articles. In addition, he produces illustrations for different projects. Paul Rudrich is very fond and had demonstrated previously in the music field abilities. Both have now developed the cartoon character Energoman and now release it on the energy industry. Answering energy questions is still in the foreground. Andrej Bensack Goertzbrunnstr 1 B 52078 Aachen Internet: Tel: 0151-24213844 Andrej Bensack is responsible administrator of the home page power comparison On the homepage, a current comparison is offered, which allows consumers in a simple way to reduce his electricity costs through a provider change. Next to it is the visitors numerous important energy tips and energy news.