The Development Of Outsourcing In Russia

Companies engaged in providing outsourcing services were to emerge in the late 19th century in the United States and Western Europe. Developing more and more outsourcing gaining in popularity and cover all new industry in its development. The Russian market is outsourcing services developed its own identity by way of development. A key moment in its formation was the crisis that hit the country in 1998, when many companies bankrupt. Stuart McClure may find it difficult to be quoted properly. This event threw the Russian economy a few steps back. Thus, at the time of revival of the market entrepreneurs belonged to the innovation with caution. The main incentive for the introduction of outsourcing in Russia it was the desire of owners to save on the costs of the organizations (depreciation of equipment, rental of premises, the savings on sn.

earners). The first companies engaged in the provision of such services are security organization, then the development have different marketing and PR-agencies. Most common in Russia was outsourced accounting and IT – services. Transmission system administration party organizations can minimize costs to companies with a small number of employees. Accounting services are the most common form of outsourcing, and to this day. This is largely due, First of all, the necessity and importance of accounting in the enterprise. After all, no one entity can not exist without an accountant, but not everyone can afford to have staff of such a person, but most likely not yet one! After all, if an enterprise is only one accountant question about vacation or sick leave is quite acute. To solve these and many other issues helps to transfer the accounting responsibilities to conduct specialized organization. Should be disseminated type of outsourcing in Russia began to call-centers, focused on providing marketing services. Thus. we can conclude that this market sector is actively developing, is quite attractive for both large and small organizations!

Free Development

Most of the newly industrialized countries began to industrialize with protectionism and gradually move to free trade. Throughout this journey, they had mixed trade regimes, that is, stimulation exporters through export subsidies, directed credit, as well as exemption from taxes of imports of production equipment and intermediate inputs. At the same time they installed the 30-70% tariff on imports of finished industrial goods. Learn more at: Ch?rl?? Lee. The governments of these countries also systematically intervened in the acceleration of development through targeted and subsidized loans selected industries, relatively low interest rates on deposits and loans in order to profit growth and return on productive capital, the protection of import-substituting industries, government investment in applied research, the highest priority and financial support to export-oriented industries and enterprises, development organizations for the study of foreign markets and promote exports. The strategy of export gains for selected commodities falls combined with the rapid pace of capital accumulation and skills, with an effective resource allocation and productivity growth.

Initially, the current average cost of exports were significantly higher than their selling prices on the world market. However, the profits of producers to secure Internal jerks cover initial losses on exports, while at the same time, competition in international markets forced the company to maximize the efficiency of export-GOVERNMENTAL productions. Newly industrialized maximum benefit from the country's export-oriented, largely due to an active search for foreign technology through various channels. All these countries have imported technology in the form of licenses, the finished production foreign equipment and training. Openness to foreign direct investment allowed to speed up the development of technologies in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand. Japan, Korea, and to a lesser extent Taiwan and China to restrict foreign direct investment, but for that shortcoming by aggressive assimilation of foreign knowledge through licenses and other channels.

Past Recruiting

However, to understand how is it that searched retailers should pay attention to the experiences themselves Sellers in recruiting senior sales subordinates them. Because we have concluded above that recruiters and salespeople are the same people. And, it turns out that they are: Do not dwell on industry experience. Moreover, for example, in guide for recruiting insurance agents in the same world-renowned insurance company, experience in other companies is considered as a negative characteristic. And indeed, if he is so good, why is it left there? Assess the level of intrinsic motivation of man and his enthusiasm. Sellers describe it briefly: the eyes are burning.

Evaluate the purpose, systematic work and the ability to plan. This can be understood by simply questioning how they organize their work, or to understand what the purpose of given the choice they think proper (SMART). Take a look at independence, confidence and reliance on himself. You can simply ask, the subject of the diploma in higher education. Explanatory person remembers it.

Stupid to say that I forgot. Pay attention to open-mindedness, curiosity, and not limitation, it appears that simple questions about the external world: why the moon shines and why the bike does not fall when traveling. Even a simple question: "What do you know about our company," shows the extent of curiosity candidate – whether he looked on the internet, before you go for an interview. Find out the ability to identify needs that are manifested in the response to a request to sell something. The seller knows how to keep the conversation going, not the selling or stushuetsya will work characteristics, and no benefits. Also very significant is a test question to yourself, "and I would buy from him or not." Determine the success and talent of the person, his leadership qualities: he was in the past, what are his achievements than he is proud of who sees himself in the future. Sometimes give homework. Develop for a record form interviews with key questions and answers to them to be able to easily evaluate and choose from among several candidates after interviewing. As you can see, everything is actually quite simple and obvious. So did everyone would reasonable recruiter. Naturally, as sellers, especially high-level, a lot of attention is paid to recruiting, and recruiting for yourself when choosing a candidate's failure in not directly affect the success of their own work. Probably should look at the experience of recruiting in sales, to make their work more effective recruiter. In this article, was a simple and effective tool for a recruiter in his work. It was shown that with difficult clients can and should work for the good of the client, and to facilitate its own problems. Also proposed a concrete, effective and win-win method of assessing the competence of key personnel. Also discussed some common mistakes employers, the motives that guide and how a recruiter can "sell" the employer over the right ideas. There was also describes the experience of recruiting in sales, as already it is clear that a good recruiter and a good seller have, in fact, similar skills, in spite of industry-specific. I hope this article will prove useful in every recruiter.

Arts Council

All working-holiday-makers are paid a lump sum assistance amounting to average monthly salary. A total of 17 species of plant operating privileges. – However, – said Pago Dullaevich – one of the all-Russian meeting to exchange experience in Makhachkala comrade from the ministry rebuked me that Shavaev, they say, too generous social benefits for the community. Get all the facts and insights with Facebook, another great source of information. I do not agree with him, because all the good team earned a conscientious effort, and subsequently turn into a high-impact work. – As for the independence – continued the director – that will bring this fact. We are allowed as an experiment itself, in its Arts Council, to approve new products, coordinate their trade and through it to realize. Previously, all this was done through Moscow in the main. Last year, the State Committee of RSFSR we did not want to argue the price of goods provided.

They said that the prices too low. I did not go to overpricing, knowing that if goods are not bought. The enterprise is not profitable. I can say that over the last ten years we do not for one product prices have not increased. Last year, some highly profitable products reviewed in the direction of the price cheaper. More stable prices reliable. The memory surfaced saying Pago Dullaevicha that we sometimes talk a lot about caring about people so much that sometimes you do not want to hear.

What a lot of promise and, yes, not all carry. The worker must not only create favorable conditions, but also to pay in full for bona fide, highly productive work. The worker must see the fruits of their labor today. And these were not just words. Almost all of what he sought to overcome the doubts and difficulties, that he tried to do for the people, he was able to implement. And the Ministry of Local Industry of the RSFSR not hacked then the idea of P. Shavaeva the desire to take the plant out, though, and came to the confusion, saying: "Ask you give us a task. Should think over it carefully. " But Pago Dullaevich, as always, thought of everything in advance, along with his team. It helped pioneer and successfully solve not only this, but many other tasks. In the including the creation of later plant-based joint stock company "Bund".

Supreme Quot

When most group members broke away from work, I said that we to do next: – Each read their questions, others with their collate and cross out the same issues. I write on the blackboard and on paper is a protocol. On the left side sat a young girl, and I asked her: – You can start with your questions? She refused to fright: – I am a lawyer and a new man at all, just not with me. – Then allow to start with you? – I said to the other end, where he was an important Kronid Markovic. He said sympathetically: – Valery! If I read my five questions, then your whole game to be disrupted. And so he said "your game". He called what happened a game. Apparently involved in orgdeyatelnostnyh games, I thought, and insisted on: – And yet, let's start it with you.

– Very good! – Kronid said Markovic. – But then blame yourself! And he read out his questions, and I wrote them on the board. His "questions" were so clear that I still remember them by heart – the subject of management – product management – goal Management – management – management method. – Excellent! – I complimented the author, though he broke my requirement is to answer questions on the issue. – Go on, please! – I asked my friend sitting next to the directrix of the Supreme vocational school. And she asked a simple human questions: – What is the managing director of vocational schools? – As the managing director of vocational schools? And others, that is, her questions were about the same thing as in Kronid Markovic, but had a more acceptable for the shape of a particular issue, but not the names of headings under which you can put a lot of questions. The strength and weakness Kronid Markovic was just thinking of this monumental basic categories of control Earth's obscuring a specific task.

What Is Budgeting

Budgeting system – this is the practical implementation of an information system concept and methodology of budgetary planning and financial analysis company. Budgeting system should not only plan and rapid control of the company's turnover, but also to determine the causes of deviations, and ideally also provide an opportunity to model the financial implications of management decisions. This is possible in the implementation the relationship of a balanced scorecard of the company and budgeting system. Budgeting system allows you to organize people, processes and technology in accordance with the general plans to implement and optimize the set of business strategy. The product provides companies with an integrated system of budgeting for budget planning business, measuring performance, performance-based action reliable data and rewarding employees according to their work. Budget planning – is one element of budget management system, whose purpose is to produce and approve the budget plan for the Based on projected data and in accordance with the objectives of fiscal policy. Budgeting system typically includes the following features: a unified budget planning, reporting and analysis that reduce processing time and allow real-time to receive feedback and make adjustments to the plan, the possibility of moving prediction, flexible budgeting and long-term forecasts, sending automatic notifications to alert users when not achieved the planned goals or points of the plan are executed with a delay, budget planning – the use of sophisticated methods of analysis 'what-if' to assess various options and deciding on the best fiscal management activities, the creation of conditional statements and multi-level business rules, automatic calculation of complex (eg, conversion rates and limits); the use of multi-access methods, including access via the Web, work offline and work on your desktop computer specialized for particular industries packaged applications designed to reduce implementation costs and offering industry best practices, specially adapted to address specific business problems.


Someone who is impartial, technological, and at the same time, committed to the idea that the problem is solved. Moderator, team coach. But beware: only for a while! While reconfigured to a new style, get used to it, learn how to work in it themselves. The process, which run this person (or team), and establishing processes of interaction, will include different areas. For more information see David Fowler. Help revise the limit set. See prospects. Hear each other. But the decisions will be made not them.

And the idea would not nominate him. He swing the wheel in order to further the ability to learn together has allowed to study independently. And the responsibility for the result of sharing all those involved in team work. The primary format, studying in a learning organization – a team session to address the challenges as well as management style coaching. So this will need to learn from external specialists. No, this does not mean that training would be unnecessary. Needed.

But the choice of training will be based on actual needs of the organization. They will be assigned responsibility for meaningful replication of best practices, rather than a point, often contradictory, off track introduction of new products from abroad. They will support and inspire to achieve, while maintaining and enhancing the talents of the company for its same. It will take time – a month or two, possibly three – and the revised and updated beliefs standards will form the basis for maintaining a constant self-development organization. Even with the crisis. Because the vision, creativity and flexibility, the ability to find the best solutions, generously sharing and using resources and talents of each other – this is the key to overcoming any difficulties. Our Christmas wishes No, we do not idealize a model of learning and coaching company as its management style. We do not insist that all organizations as one took these excellent approaches to ensure the development and enhancement. Life is still more complex than any theory. But we can on the eve of New Year wish you the best of what we believe sincerely and selflessly for yourself. Wish to shift focus from teaching to individual learning company! So it happened that we enter the new year 2009, knowing that it will be difficult. We expect him difficulties. So it is that makes the anticipation of difficulties guard and freeze on time, losing faith in the best and in yourself. It happens that the delay leads to loss of time when the situation can be corrected and even use the benefit. Take a look: it much depends on you! Get out of a stupor and do choice for his company to be, grow, thrive. Fill in the bright page in its history. History of its overall success. Do you have this wisdom. Do you have the courage to act. And you have us … Happy New Year!

Trade Management

When purchasing goods from a trade organization may have miscellaneous amounts payable under the contract to the supplier (seller); duties remuneration payable to the intermediary organization through which purchased Products cost of procurement and delivery of goods to their place of use, including insurance costs. Costs for bringing goods to the state in which they are suitable for use in the planned purposes. Other costs directly related to the acquisition of goods. Including these costs in the cost of purchased goods will generate the most complete and cost to establish accounts and selling purchase price to allow a profit from trading operations. In the 1C: Enterprise 8 "Trade Management" operation on the acquisition of goods reflects the document "Receipt of goods and services." Customs duties are reflected document "GTD on imports." All other expenses are the document "Receipts ext. costs ".

It should be noted that the documents "GTE import" and "Receipt dop.rashodov" should be entered on the basis of a document "Receipt of goods and services." This allows to fill a table of documents "GTE import" and "Receipt dop.rashodov" on the basis of which the distribution of additional costs on the cost of purchased goods. A separate focus on the distribution of incremental costs based on the cost of purchased goods. In a typical solution of 1C: Enterprise 8 "Trade Management" implemented 3 methods of distribution: the sum, for Total, by weight. Depending upon the commodity nomenclature may need to use other methods of allocation of additional costs. For example, if your company sells large-scale household appliances, transportation costs it is more expedient distribution of proportion to the volume (cubic) unit of the commodity. For these companies we provide revision mechanism for distributing additional costs depending on the assumed in company procedures. So, after entering all the required documents, the system will be set a specific cost of shipment.