Employees and the lack of Experience

That is, in many cases, employers are willing to turn a blind eye not only on the lack of experience, but also education, expressing its readiness to complete their education, to promote the attainment of skills, skills improvement. However, personnel officers in one voice say that young people are now so inflated expectations of salary that one is already in some cases may become an obstacle for employment. And may not be, because many companies are forced to agree with demands of young professionals (and non-specialists, sometimes, too), because the vacancy can not be vacant forever. If you talk about those who live not only the current day, and focuses not only on short-term earnings, but on career to work in a prestigious company in a solid position, then for these young people choose simply vast. Nearly all businesses with great pleasure working with specialized institutions, invite students to practice, giving them the opportunity not only to make money, but also write a thesis, take the first steps in scientific activities. And then ready to invite young professionals on a permanent work by offering them salaries sometimes even higher than that of existing staff.

So there is no means to discern discrimination based on lack of experience. Even more promising, those who have a working profession. Such young people just like hot cakes! Another thing, if people do not want to work – there will inevitably look for excuses, citing excessively demanding employers. However, the reality of young staff members are waiting everywhere, in all spheres – in the manufacturing, commerce, construction, catering. And the personnel officers in this case the good-good – just work! And if not every employer agrees with your payroll claims, is to think about. Whether to continue to seek "His" boss who will pay what you say (though very soon you may find that you are not worth even half the money, but simply for being at work do not give out salary), then we agree with the proposed wages and get the most coveted experience. True, at the same time be lost cause, which can be invoked, complaining of insensitive employers.

Timothy Gellvey

Samokouching can be effective at the same time in all important areas of life, without losing a sense of fullness of life, promotes personal and spiritual growth, but also the most efficient way interact with each other. Coaching came at the end of the last century as a system of training athletes. Educator Timothy Gellvey noticed that an important role in sports greatest achievements is the mental state athlete. In other words, in the words of the , "a rival in his own head worse that which is on the other side of the net." He argued that "if a coach can help an athlete to get rid of anxiety, that interfere with the game or at least reduce them, the athlete appear unexpected natural ability. " Later, businessmen, seeing the usefulness of this method, as coaching, have begun to actively introduce it as a skill for managers, the aim is for people to learn and samokouchingu. All of us brought up a system in which the directives and instructions deprives us of responsibility and initiative. Abandon expectations clear instructions for many it will be harder than learn samokouchingu. Here is an example of spontaneous samokouchinga.

For example, you work on a project and faced with the problem. As a rule, in which case you go to help the manager or ask advice from colleagues. And they state that you probably did something wrong and offer his version of the correct action. Your self-esteem suffers – you're not right, and you just insert one of the advice of others without attempting to resolve the issue independently.