
This arcane minor of the tarot is a quite positive letter when she leaves exposed in the distance. He teaches the value to us of the anger, the necessity to control the fear in the daily life. Unlike the five of coarse, where a strategy does not exist, in the seven of coarse, the person fights against whom they are against his position. This clearly is expressed in the image of the arcane one: the woods rise threatening. But, it is remarkable that it is not seen anybody brandishing these arms. One talks about then a symbolic opposition. When everything seems to be against one, the seven of coarse remember to us that it is necessary to fight to obtain what one wishes.

The seven of coarse do not insist to hide the fear to us, but to dominate it. It is not question of " borrar" the feelings, but to make with them most advisable and wise. We are speaking to face the fears and to turn them into a weapon to our favor. The fear teaches, and this lets us grow more readier forts and to face the next disadvantage in the way. Like all the letters of the tarot, duality is given by the fear and the anger. In order to have anger it is necessary to be scared first. When this deck leaves in the distance says to him to the consulting one ahead! This one is the moment for undertaking against all the difficulties and for finishing in front with them doing to them. This is the doubt that faced the immortal personage of Shakespeare, Hamlet.

How to define to that force that takes to us to fight against the opposition? And, more especially, to fight or to surrender? The seven of are urgent coarse it to fight reason why it wishes. The seven of coarse teach to him to who consultation that its position is the correct one, invites and it to have confidence in itself, in spite of the great amount of people who try to convince to us otherwise. Although the possibilities can seem insurmountable, this deck says to us that the victory will arrive to him at that better knows to defend, and that he will be hers with running of the time. This is a letter that speaks of the internal value, a much more powerful energy that the physical force. Within the arcane minors of the tarot, the coarse ones have a very powerful energy, that is their positive side. Its negative side is impossibility to control resemblance to be able, which constitutes a challenge for the individual. Original author and source of the article

Economic Commission

According to the document written up by this analyst, " Report of the Development of Latin America and the Caribbean for the period 2006-07" , due to the fast growth of the commerce between both regions, the bilateral volume could come near to the closing of this year to the 80,000 million dollars. The year passed east volume it reached the 70,200 million dollars, against 50,000 million of 2005. The commercial interchange between both regions is characterized by the concentration and, in spite of a sensible general frame, some countries undergo a imbalance with China. The 80 percent of the commercial volume is distributed between Brazil (18,500 million dollars), Mexico (10,400 million), Chile (7,940 million), Argentina (5,140 million), Venezuela (4,130 million), Peru (3,640 million) and Panama (3,470 million), according to data of the Academy of the eleven first months of 2006. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Ronald O’Hanley on most websites. In the case of Brazil, it occupies the tenth position of the list of Latin countries that export to China, and at the same time is the tenth country that presents/displays a commercial surplus with the Asian country. Also, in the bilateral commerce between China and Mexico, the North American country occupies the tenth place between the countries that register a deficit with China. The Latin American countries and of the Caribbean that registers surplus with China they are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Jamaica and Costa Rica. Tmese very in account as it is indicated, that China officially entered the Development bank of the Caribbean and is an observant country in the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal), of the Association of Integration of Latin America and of the Caribbean, of the Inter-American Development Bank, the Organization of American Nations and the Parliament of Latin America. To all this it is added to us, that the section " Perspective of the Latin American diplomacy in 2007" of this expert it in the last analyzes the political interchanges ten years, when 74 Government and Chiefs of State visited China, that corresponded with 19 visits to Latin American countries.

Popular US Cars

According to recent polls in the U.S., more and more people who buy new cars in the U.S. prefer one model to another due to fuel consumption. In support of this theory also tells published in Wednesday survey of U.S. marketing agency JD Power and Associates. According to his results an increasing number of potential buyers are looking to Asian brands, while at the same time, the number of people willing to buy an American car reduced. 'The question of fuel economy, of course, has now become very important, and I think that if we ran a poll right now, cost would have seemed even more important', – said Tom Gauer (Tom Gauer), Senior Managing automotive research at JD retail Power.Rezultaty poll, conducted from May to July, comes at a time when U.S.

automakers are climbing out of his way to put on the market cost modeli.Korporatsii General Motors (Dzherneral Motors) and Ford Motor (Ford Motor) expanded production malometrazhnyh vehicles to meet the increased demand for them. At the same time they cut production of trucks were sold sluggishly and SUVs. Credit: Ronald O’Hanley-2011. GM also plans to start selling the new Chevrolet Cruze car malometrazhnogo in the U.S. market in 2010. At the same time Ford (Ford) will introduce its first model of the Fiesta (Fiesta), designed in European style.

It is expected that both vehicle will consume no more than 5.8 liters per 100 kilometers. The survey agency JD Power found that about 20 percent of customers justify the preference of one model other unacceptable fuel economy, up 3 percent more than in 2007. According to Gower, this figure – the largest increase compared to last year among the reasons referred to by customers in case of failure of any model, and in 2003 it was only about 15 protsentov.Odnako savings fuel remained in third place in the list of the most important factors that are referenced by the consumers in case of failure of the vehicle. Factor No. 1 – is still, the high price, this was called the cause 40 percent of buyers. Factor Number 2 – the monthly cost of avtomobil.Mezhdu to the percentage of buyers who prefer Asian model cars, rose by 3 points, to 63 percent, while the number of adherents of 'home' brands decreased by three points to 55 protsentov.Takaya trend for several years – says Gower. Moreover, consumers who choose between Asian and American models are likely to choose the Asian brand – and do it because of 'performance model', such as low fuel consumption. Judging from the survey, chose an American car, in turn, as the benefits will point discount on the car and support car U.S. industry. "The market's attention is focused directly on the product, and this is the main advantage of Asian automakers' – says Gauer.Agentstvo JD Power survey on post happy owner of 29.903 new cars U.S. According to Gower, the margin of error varies depending on each question, but in total less than 1 percent.

International Women

On International Women's Day in Russia scrapping program starts. By its action fall into both domestic and imported vehicles curb weight up to 3.5 tonnes, issued no later than 1999. The owner handed over to the scrap vehicle will receive a discount in the amount of 50000 rubles. when buying a new, issued on the territory of our country. And Leasable equipment must be owned by the last owner of at least one year and be "Complete" – that a rusty body without undercarriage would not accept.

For disposal of the owner avtohlama need to deliver it at the dealership (cost towing within Moscow is about 2 thousand rubles.), Where he plans to buy new car, provide proof of ownership (eg, TCP), to write free-form power of attorney for recycling machinery dealership, to pay a fee for the procedure (3,000 rubles). and make an order for a new machine. Next, the dealer will remove himself from consideration of the technique GIBBDD, deliver it to the point of utilization and will need to get a discount certificate for disposal. It will take three to five days. Lost income when selling machines at a discount, as well as the cost of shipping the scrap dealers avtohlama compensate the state.

Based on materials from the site International Women's Day in Russia scrapping program starts. By its action fall Both domestic and imported vehicles curb weight up to 3.5 tonnes, issued no later than 1999. The owner handed the scrap car will get a discount in the amount of 50000 rubles. when buying a new, issued on the territory of our country. Moreover, Leasable equipment must be owned by the last owner of at least one year and be "Complete" – the rusty body without undercarriage would not accept. For disposal of the owner must avtohlama deliver it at the dealership (cost towing within Moscow is about 2 thousand rubles.), where he plans to buy a new car, provide proof of ownership (eg, TCP), write in a free Power of Attorney form for disposal machine dealership, to pay a fee for the procedure (3,000 rubles). and make an order for a new car. Next, the dealer will remove himself from consideration of the technique GIBBDD, deliver it to the point of utilization and will need to receive a discount certificate for disposal. It will take three to five days. Lost income when selling cars at a discount, as well as the cost of shipping the scrap dealers avtohlama compensate the state. Source material Site

Iiiv Spiritual Growth

Caterina Iazzi said that the Archangel Jofiel: lighting will reach people in a different way, sometimes may perceive wisdom as the whisper of a breeze to pass between the branches of a tree and others as the din of the wave when this is broken on rocks, in the way that is, lighting is part of everyday life, whatever it is, all lighting emanates from the father, because everything that was, is and will be, all that is, will be, and was, and everything that is, was and is. The fact, that we are in a world where many facts which become many times manifested in tests for our growth, facts, that being attentive, invite us to take into account the opportunity that is given to us to work towards this growth. The cultivation of the Tao is in all things we do or find and all the events of our daily life. In this writing we offer some flashes that can help us revive our light and illuminate the path through which we must pass. The ignorant mind in its infinite grief, passions and evils rooted in three poisons: greed, pride, deception, ignorance. These afflictions are like rivers that travel thousands of miles by the constant flow of small sources. But if someone cuts its source, the river dries.

From this we realize that all karma, painful or in any form, comes from our own mind. People we know, situations that we face and the things that we use or process are as mirrors for us look, because different seeds of karma will grow in our minds, when we are different people, conditions, and objects. This is the opportunity to understand us and correct us in accordance with our true nature or true consciousness. Without this constant process, we will not be able to improve. Now we must try to change sources of our reactions, from karma to our true nature.