Project Group: Real Values Fund 12 Receives 4 Star
It is the seventh award in the real estate development fund real values 12 (PROJECT group) and again a very good. “Bamberg, August 20, 2012: the Munich Fund specialist tapir” in the consistent PROJECT equity capital base provides a reliable security concept for investors. At the same time, the Fund receives another award. Against the background of the planned tightening of the AIFM directive by the Federal Ministry of finance in terms of capital adequacy, the one time investment funds able to convince real values Fund 12 again with a very good rating. The real estate fund, which just four months after drawing start has already invested in nine of 15 objects received from tapir GFonds, mainly due to its full equity base four of five possible stars. Business model provides for a clearly structured approach and fair result distribution on pure equity capital base.
(u0085) The dividend forecasts are due to the concept initially vague, but based on the assumptions of experienced management and correspond with the Data of the first investment objects, founded the tapir. Top10 of all closed-end funds in Germany of the closed-end real estate funds gets along with the tapir rating real values Fund 12 of the Internet portal another award: he belongs with a score of 1.4 on the best five funds, which are currently in Germany in sales. The score consists of the reviews of tapir, G.U.B and invest-report. Particularly positive, analysts stress acting on equity base, experienced management, good market access of the initiator and the investment locations. There are no closed-end funds with a better touch than 1,4. before the real values Fund was currently 12 one time investment funds by Feri G.U.B, TCC, invest report, funds & co. and capital-market internally evaluated. The unanimously positive analyses of the independent experts of the Fund can be downloaded on the Web site of the PROJECT Fund group under the following link: Fund/analysis more information under