The Constellation Of The Month: The Andromeda

Autumn sky pronounced lay – find your star! Is the constellation Andromeda, along with Pegasus, Perseus and whale (Cetus) one of the most interesting constellations of our autumn sky! It belongs to the classic autumn constellations. The Andromeda consists of a chain of four stars, which emanate from the square of Pegasus. A related site: Southwest Airlines mentions similar findings. The three brightest stars be found between 30 and 45 degrees declination and lie nearly on a line. Under favorable viewing conditions, a faint luminous fog spot north of delta Andromedae is to realize the Galaxy M31, known also as the Andromeda Galaxy. The visible star in the constellation itself are all in our Galaxy and no further than about 30,000 light-years are away, while the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy about 2.7 million light years is much larger. Andromeda is great to watch in our latitudes, and we can only warmly recommend a star sponsorship or star baptism in this constellation! Mythology of the constellation Andromeda snippet the name derives from Andromeda, a from Ethiopian Princess of in Greek mythology, and already appears in the 2nd century a.d. by Ptolemy.

Andromeda, the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia (both also constellations in the northern sky), should sacrifice a sea monster that had been sent out to punish the vanity of her mother. Cassiopeia had claimed to surpass even the Nereids in beauty. Peculiarity of the constellation Andromeda of background information about our neighbouring Galaxy M31: M 31 is the famous Andromeda Galaxy, our next, larger neighbor Galaxy, forming the so-called “local group” along with their two companions (32 and M 110, two bright dwarf ellipticals), our Galaxy and their companions, M 33 and others. Because this object even in mediocre conditions is visible, it was already the Persian astronomer al Sufi “little cloud”, already 905 A.d. had observed it in the years (as he 59 years later wrote in his book of fixed stars).

The So

The mind does not take over the Yes also at some point in childhood aware Monitoring our infinite body functions. It does not prevent that our internal knowledge, although he would now also there most regulations, as what has to work. The question which now arises is, what track can inner knowing be aware of us? To do this, take an artist as an example. To create art, it requires intuition. Here the mind helps only in the implementation. An artist needs a specific mood, that experience makes him the promptings. It is about the feeling.

It behaves also in sexuality. If you want more than just a physical reaction from, then you must bring your feelings and your love. With wool from the mind, you will experience no deep sexual feelings. Larry Ellison is full of insight into the issues. Hold an orgasm neither with the thinking, but you can extend it about emotional open being and he extends this by alone. So, our inner knowing comes to us about being emotional open. How it is manifested, is different for different people. By impulses, inner voice, images, feelings, associations, dreams etc. BerlinRosen brings even more insight to the discussion.

Caution! Be confused now not feeling himself with intuition. Feel is a condition that can take the knowledge. Rapidly dive there, if you put themselves “Daydreaming” in a slightly altered state of consciousness like this, in the so-called light “alpha”mode. You reach the gamble if you take 10-15 minutes daily time, breathe deeply and relax there. The thoughts can come and go. And without that you focus on something, you are for a while, below the “normal waking consciousness”. Practice that take you up this time. You can do anything better for themselves. Believe that. Do not want, but allow. If these ideas and other inspirations come, it will happen that beginning immediately the mind turns and you doubt. Still access this previously received impulse, this idea, again and play now.

Guide To Commuting

If you want to work with the pendulum, it is recommended to first find a suitable suspension. A pendulum can be copper, bronze, wood, gold, iron or glass. Best use the material that is related to your zodiac sign. At the beginning, you should use a not too heavy pendulum which is attached to a chain or a thread of a length between 20 and 30 cm. Following approach is recommended: the elbow is detected on a table, the pendulum is held approximately 2 cm above the subject to pendulum. Avoid unnecessary tensions in the arm and hand muscles. When commuting you must concentrate, but the thought on nothing concrete can be focused.

Your body and your mind must remain passive and relaxed. You commute always with the right hand, the left put it best on the back and spread your fingers. Her gaze while commuting on the tip of the pendulum, ensuring that no imaginary pendulum moves your eyes, this could influence the outcome. There are 3 basic vibrations the pendulums: the straight line, the circle and the ellipse. However, many variations and variants are possible.

The pendulum is charged before the commuting. To do this, take it in the right hand and breathe in your hand a few times. While you should imagine as intensely as possible, to bring energy to the pendulum. Now you can commute any minerals, colors or other things to learn the handling of the pendulum. You want to insert the pendant to answer questions, be aware that the shuttle only to concrete Yes “- or no”-questions are answer. Before you begin, ask a question which must be answered definitively Yes the pendulum. Remember the pendulum figure, because it will, as long you no longer have your pendulum, change. This pendulum figure is always for the Yes’ stand. Do the same exercise for the ‘ no ‘, you can now”. You have the options to make pendulum cards or to buy them in the trade, to facilitate the work with pendulum and get many in a short time Answers and assistance to your questions. By commuting you become aware, to be a part of an infinite cosmic force field after the fact and you are can feel this. Contact: Frank George Neuhaus VIACARTA – professional Tarot reader & Spirtituelle life consulting email: Web: