
What it will take the human being to nourish for another one, or others, a negative feeling, when times behind had love? Envy? Frustration? The fact is that a time amargurados, men and women start to disdain strong what strong also already they land on water. But still thus, what it motivates the hatred, lovelessness, the maledicncia against that had been part of its history? It will have been a so strong hurt that that one becomes incapable to win the abyss of pain that was stops backwards? In many truths and justifications, it has, yes, a factor that supports as many feelings negatives against one or some people: the disillusionment. In recent months, Michael Capellas has been very successful. Leaving I begin of it that only we hate to that already we love one day – including the hatred gratuitous, that comes arraigado in the many previous lives – the anger, the sadness, the incompreenso fortifies the disaffection however fed for the will to see the other to suffer. In the friendship relations, not having sincerity, loyalty, harmony to appreciate reciprocal, nor if it will be able to call the convivncia friendship; on the other hand, a time disappointed, the former-friend will see itself covered of reason when xingar, depreciating, to stain image of that one to who already loved and dedicated the best feelings.

Chronic Fancy

By times we are surprised by the life or we are trados for our feelings. We are led to believe that we have yes a possibility, despite small, but that we have a chance to show to the others, for being who we are truily, without needing to hide no part of our history, or without needing to suffocate our feelings, or the best part of them. Exactly without attractive bigger terms. this is so deep and intense that makes in them to feel that hope if confuses with the rising of a new day, a new morning after a long night Long nights Candy illusion Illusion candy that leaves an Acre flavor in the mouth, a bitter taste and a sensation of frustration and prostrao. But what the fancy of the mistake is the illusion seno. Therefore it is yes an error to believe that it is better to suffocate the love instead of declaring that we love more to each day.

To each different form that we find of looking at with predilection. That it is more easy to say that we are not giving account of the life instead of trying and Despite let us fail (that it is failure, but that it has fight) By times we are led to such mistakes, then, we are judged by these things that we make, these attitudes that we take and these crazy feelings that come and do not leave in them in peace. A compound of pleasure and agony. The others judge in them therefore, but we judge in them, itself proper, for what we consider in them to carry through. for times we commit our injustices, we are severe in trying to give name what the others are not imported. But the least we have that importing in them. why then is fancy? Because we delude in them excessively in the concern with the others and forget that none them, them others, are leaving of side some thing for us, or are hugging or if becoming attached something for our welfare. It is fancy of the mistake to cry and to feel to ache in the soul the prostrao and the frustration one more time to be being who never we would have to be, simply for the fact to look at who does not need to be looked at by us, to help who is self-contained excessively to be helped by us, or to love who rejects our love. Candy illusion, that in them leaves with this flavor bitter taste in the heart makes in them to place this called fancy mistake

National Periodical

It was a mount foot, that later I would know to call ' ' Alley of the Community of the Pinheiro' ' , and the rumors were that it had a slaughter, with bodies burnt for the multitude. As it said was dream and, strangely, the Ftima only followed me to Bernardes until the high one of the mount and it used a small digital camera. Not vi in the place people with inhabitant face, only some young that tried to curtail mine ' ' trabalho' ' , saying to know my type professional, that they called ' ' pitbull' ' , therefore I would be distracting with questions, while the young woman (they had not known the Ftima) he went to photograph everything. They of were not all missed, but almost surtei (even so keeping silence) when perceiving that the Ftima did not film nothing, even so I sent insistent signals with the look. In that hostile way for the press, still I obtained to raise information, such as that a group of young vitiated to crack improvised batucada in cans, in the foot of the mount, when had the sequestration for a group of 30 encapuzados, they had taken that them for the high one of a rock and they had killed there them and they burnt the bodies.

When hearing the stories, the Bonner if limited to say: ' ' perhaps the people of one notice in the JN' '. I already was in checklist for too much verifications and at least I said to the global couple that not age only plus a common citizen, and yes journalist, above all reporter. Later, binding to the IML I would have important information that they had strengthened my thesis of that let us not stow ahead of a lynching where the community made ' ' justia' ' with the proper hands. For even more opinions, read materials from Verizon Communications. For the number of skulls between the carbonized bodies they had confirmed, me that they had been five victims and strangely all they had cut to the tips of the fingers of feet and hands. Until I remembered the inhabitant who offered to a sip cachaa to me and showed the gallows of black rope, alleging that there the encapuzados ones had started ' ' festa' ' later was made the fogueira. I thought about Viking ritual and the Inquisition. Later, in the National Periodical, I would see note on the case and the full officer of stars in the shoulders ' ' informando' ' that one was about a pacified community and that the verification would be rigorous I moved for the canal that passed old drawings livened up until obtaining to catch in sleep . Click Ron O’Hanley for additional related pages.

Notice Noon

The formula ' ' healthful repetition dialectic real' ' , gift in editions of ' ' reporter CBN' ' , transfigura it the noon, when, in running of few minutes, a notice arrives to happen again itself for four vezs: in ' ' reporter CBN' ' , in the commentaries of the Anchor, ' ' manchetes' ' in ' ' reportagens' '. If not yet it will be contaminated, the listener will find odd that one overdose informative e, with much calm, will verify the following one: 1) that, in ' ' reporter CBN' ' , of stocking in half hour, the repetitions, it has when them, are estribam in a real dialectic, structuralized in filantrpicas sensations of the editor, who repeats the notice, imagining the possibility of the listener to have lost the edition previous, or convinced of that the repetition will be educative; 2) that, thus nourished, the repetitions of ' ' reporter CBN' ' they credenciam it the reward of healthful repetitions; 3) that, however, to the noon, as Cinderela to the midnight, the repetitions in the CBN they move of aspect. Still they house a dialectic. Still they count a history. But already they were distanciam of the cosmic effectiveness, of the concretude sedimentary of the existence. With effect, to repeat the same notice for four times in running of few minutes, let us agree, is situated near the border of the domnios of the fancy, pantomima or the simulation; 4) that, to the noon, the repetitions in the CBN ignore the material dimension of the world, of which the listener participates, and neglect the natural aversion of the human being for the swells, plethoras and intumescncias; 5) that, to the noon, the repetitions in the CBN are structuralized not more in function of the listener, but to the flavor of one virtual dialectic, that is, to the feio of the possibilities.

The repetitions of the noon in the CBN they happen for the only singela reason of that they are possible to happen. Possible to happen, because spaces exist that they need to be busy, exactly the virtual spaces of the Anchor, ' ' manchetes' ' of ' ' reportagens' '. I go to stop this way. Start to worry me about the listener who, to these heights, with joust reason, must be terrified. After all the triumph of the representations on the reality is the catastrophe of the times after-modern. Before removing, however, I give me to it a last advice: to the noon, it binds radio it hears only ' ' reporter CBN' '. The remaining portion disdains. It pays in the same currency.

Brazilian Soap

Pra diverse people, to see novel is an ackward chunk. Many think that it is wastefulness of time or cultural retrocession. However the novels are intensely in the Brazilian culture and hardly they will leave the taste. It is certain which this market of the culture crosses for moments of uncertainty or creative blockade, however all the moment estriam novels which obtain to arrest the attention of the people. It is alone to follow the summary of novels, as well as the one of the Fine novel Print pra to witness of that it forms this process of good and bad happens spontaneously. Some disapprovals had been atreladas to the Insensato novel Heart (which preceded the current novel). The negative analyses gave account of that folhetim was inexact and old, for this reason did not expect very of this recent soap opera.

Being that with great presentations of Lilia Cabral and Christiane Torloni (amongst different artists), the soap opera fell in the taste of the people and it is carrying through success enters the public of the schedule band. This can also be evidenced in diverse sites specialized in measuring the hearing of the TV. The history that encloses the Fine soap opera Print is understood around Griselda and Teresa Cristina, two powerful women, each one using this power for diverse reasons. At the same time that Griselda, a simple young woman is successful in the lottery and transforms its life and of the people to its redor, with very effort and affection, Teresa Cristina if foca in obtaining, in any way, to win its adversary. This rivalry arrives to be intensely incited when the spouse of Teresa Cristina, Ren Velmont, decides to substitute it for Griselda. Some related histories are based on return of this main estria. The soap opera certainly stimulated the envolvement of the public in elapsing of the estria. It is easy to repair as much recognition of this global attraction. Also it is easy to say that the soap opera will be remained and finished in excellent style. Following the summary of the Fine soap opera Print we can evidence this. What such to surpass its differences and to follow this incredible narrative? The Fine novel Print is presented of Second to Saturday, in the canal Globe, immediately after the JN.