State Development
Therefore, the phenomenon of globalization, this distant for collective interests, which shape, the culture shock which will put at risk the legitimacy of the State against the interests of the citizenry.The technological progress and the development of the science is very important to speed up the production process of the countries, but also, it is necessary to know how to handle the phenomenon of globalization, dehumanize it has been in this new global context an obstacle to achieve the general interests of each country.Is indeed important to limit a little individual rational choice within which globalization, is immersed since it has prevented display the positive side of their contribution to the sustainability of the large economies, small and medium, however, the phenomena of change are linked to the development of the environment, culture, politics and economic growth.The takeoff of the developing economies has been quite long due has been that economic policies are out (exogenous), which weakens its economy internal (endogenous), since it must first strengthen itself and maintain the competitive edge of products over which has greater specialization.The countries of the Centre as the United States.UU., they have control of the exchange of trade and tariff measures contribute somehow to benefit your economic interest. The periphery countries are less likely to development inasmuch as they do not have sufficient scientific and technological developments to equal in power to the countries of the Centre.With the breaking of the barriers of information and technology, has expanded substantially the legitimacy of cultures coming from countries with higher level of development.To conclude, I think that the phenomenon of globalization is important as long as a balance point between economic growth and social development, which depend on the integrationist measures, should help strengthen the standard of living of the entire population on equal terms. David Fowler has plenty of information regarding this issue. . .