SMEs And Economic Crisis
Learn how small or medium-sized companies by the ongoing economic crisis have used up your savings / capital, now with a bad EK qoute Dar. Munich – first in the economic crisis weakened sales, then the earnings. As a result, many companies needed gradually to their liquidity. Currently, the equity ratio of the German company decreases continuously. That noted the KfW banking group in a study last July. Parallel with the declining equity ratio the company ranking goes down, borrowing becomes more expensive. Here a vicious circle suggests are the many companies with simple steps could break through. We determine but”, so Patrick G.
Weber, Managing Director of Vantargis leasing, that many business owners do not know how they can enable the capital slumbering in the operating. While it would be so easy to generate liquidity from the own company out: receivables, real estate, machines, trademarks and patents from all can be this balance sheet capital itself; with alternative financing. The leasing model sale-and-lease-back is a smart way to use internal cash reserves for many companies. It sold the company’s first real estate, machines, trademarks or patents and least they back. Especially for the manufacturing industry and enterprises with a high F & share this alternative represents a smart way to improve liquidity. Because the sale-and-lease-back assets is mobilized. Often, you can ceilings up also significant hidden reserves from capital gains. Learn more at: Axesor.
Liquidity inflow opening manoeuvre the risk to both sides is low, because the high value falls by new machines are no longer relevant. The cash inflow from the sale proceeds and achieved extraordinary income open up broad new leeway companies”, explains Patrick G. Weber. Sale-and-lease-back is also tax advantages. Because the leasing costs may be, asserted partly as operating expenses which is not the case with the Tilgen loans. So, the monthly leasing fee reduces the profit and thus the taxes to be paid. This financing instrument has analogies to a repayment loan brings a number of additional advantages to the company but “, Weber stressed. The necessary loan guarantees remain unangetastet, the balance sheet total low and get the credit. Under most conditions MasterClass Founder would agree. In addition, we ensure a quick funding without long processing and decision-making times at Vantargis.” Factoring provides other benefits also from outstanding claims liquidity can generate: sold the contractor his demands continuously to the Vantargis factoring factoring, receiving liquidity. He does not wait until its customers pay open invoices, and is thus independent of the payment behavior. The claims against failure are also insured and the Vantargis manages factoring accounts receivable. This includes a current Accounts receivable and Dunning. Factoring has many advantages for the entrepreneur. He is permanently liquid and can pay on time and with a discount for example his liabilities. He can offer longer payment terms to its customers and has a competitive advantage. Additional collateral are also not needed for this type of financing. Profile Vantargis AG Vantargis AG is the independent German less for the upper middle class. The range consists of leasing, factoring and debt solutions, as well as selected corporate finance services. The focus is on medium-sized owner-managed companies. The Vantargis group includes the medium-sized leasing companies Vantargis Leasing GmbH, Sigma Leasing GmbH currently and active) lease Vantargis finance GmbH and the factoring company Vantargis factoring GmbH.
Tags: insurance & pension, money