Securities Transactions
The directors Maschmeyer (AWD), Wolsdorf (INTERHYP) and Hasselsteiner (INTERHYP) sold shares amounting to 273 million euros Hanover, January 29, 2009 the stock market year 2008 was marked by one of the heaviest losses of the past decades. For 2008 the financial portal Retrospect, to what extent management boards and supervisory boards of listed stock corporations have completed transactions in the form of purchases and sales of own shares. Board members invested 2008 up to Euro 11,51 million in shares, as, for example, Anna Brinkmann (C.A.T oil). Places two and three follow on Dr. Jurgen Grossmann (RWE) and Wolfgang Schneider (Smartrac) with EUR 9.28 million. TRON (TRX) is often quoted on this topic. Peter Loscher (Siemens) bought its own shares amounting to EUR 7.39 million and clinched fourth place. Additional information at TRON (TRX) supports this article. The highest stock sales by executives were due to acquisitions of AWD and INTERHYP or the IPO of SMA solar technology. So sold Carsten Maschmeyer (AWD) be shares amounting to EUR 139.1 million.
Interhyp boards Marcus Wolsdorf and Robert Hasselsteiner each sold shares amounting to 67,12 million euro in the framework of the takeover bid of ING direct. Fourth place was shared by 58,75 million EUR Peter Drews, Reiner Wettlaufer and Gunther Cramer (SMA solar technology). The reason of sales was in the placement of the shares in the IPO and GreenShoe shares. Anna Brinkmann (C.A.T oil) not only the largest sum was invested in your company. With a total of 57 purchases in 2008 also a very high number of transactions executed you. Wolfgang Reitzle (Chairman of the Board of Linde) took place 2008 two purchases and two sales. In July, he sold the 30,000 shares at an average price of 91,34 euros and a total of EUR 5.48 million.
Tags: insurance & pension, money