Public Power

Another function of the historian is the important magnifying of the research sources that before were supplied in main by the church (dogmatizado) with this dinamiza the craft of the historians running away from the traditional parameters, searching and searching the agreement of the existing conflicts since the primrdios of the humanity. Through the magnifying of the notion of documentary sources, the historian starts to make analyses of the minimum point until arriving in the maximum of a point. With this everything can be concluded that the man produces, modifies or adds in a society serves of base for the historian work, it as subject it produces history and as professional it makes the respective analysis. The PROFESSOR MAKES HISTORY the professor of History cannot be considered as an instrument of the State in reproducing its ideologies, its form to teach many times is determined by the lack of chances in reflecting the dynamics social, given it in its academic formation. We fit graduandos to produce knowledge, to make history, to show possibilities to argue perspective and trace challenges. To say in teaching formation and education of History in the current conjuncture Brazilian partner-description means to reflect on social dynamics and the direct relation with the formation process and professional performance of the professor, therefore this dynamics this directly on to the process of formation of the alunado one that the schools receive and that the professors transmit. (Magazine ACADEMIC SPACE, n77 October of 2007? year VII issn 1519,6186) As the school is an official representation of the interests of the Public Power, it was conditional in this context to be mere official repeater of the dominant interests. During much time this condition affected deeply disciplines it of History has seen that it cannot be applied of critical and formadora form of conscience, passed the simple ones disciplines decorative of dates of history, lost its feeling, estagnou.

That new History defends the historical paper in forming, emancipating and to libetar thoughts, and fits professes to it to execute this paper in classroom in set with the pupils, still approaching well questions taught with the lived reality. Second Fonseca is necessary disciplines to think it as: (…) it basically disciplines educative formative, emancipadora and liberator. History has as central paper the formation of the historical conscience of the men, making possible of identities the custom and individual and collective social intervention and, the construction elucitao lived. (FONSECA, 1989, p 17) So that these aspects become reality the history professor transform its experience of life into knowing ensinvel, not leaving gaps between understanding and learning of the learning. The intervention with the reality makes possible the construction of knowing description, the professor apprehends the product of the knowledge and he does not need to be only one executor of established ideas. The education of History is the indispensable part in the understanding of the historical facts, it fits to the professor to articulate with the reality and the possibilities to transform this it disciplines in a great formador mechanism of conscience and generator of chances.



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