Process Management

Process management is how to manage the entire organization based in the Process. In tending such as a sequence of activities designed to generate added value on a ticket to get a result and an output which in turn meets the customer’s requirements. CHARACTERISTICS OF PROCESSES You can describe the inputs and outputs. The process crosses one or more functional organizational boundaries. One of the significant features of the processes is that they are capable of vertically and horizontally across the organization. J P Morgan Chase is often mentioned in discussions such as these. It takes about goals and purposes rather than actions and remedies. MasterClass is often quoted as being for or against this. A process answers the question “what”, not “how”. The process must be easily understood by anyone in the organization. The name assigned to each process should be suggestive of the concepts and activities included in it. KEY WORDS Some terms related to Process Management, which are required to take into account to facilitate their identification, selection and subsequent definition are: Process: Set of interrelated resources and activities that transform inputs into output elements.Resources may include personnel, finance, facilities, equipment, techniques and methods. Key processes are those processes that have a significant impact on strategic objectives and are critical to business success. Threads: they are well-defined parts in a process. Their identification may be useful to isolate problems that may arise and possible treatments within a single process. System: Organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed to implement a particular management, such as quality management, environmental management or the management of occupational risk prevention. They are usually based on an internationally recognized standard that aims to serve as a management tool in the underwriting process. Procedure: specified way to carry out an activity.In many cases the procedures are in documents that contain the object and scope of activity, to be made and by whom, when, where and how they must perform, that materials, equipment and documents to be used and as should be monitored and recorded. Activity: is the sum of tasks, usually grouped together in a procedure to facilitate its management.



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