Portuguese Language

The fury of the Minhoco. As not to arrepiar itself, when in them the history of the Minhoco is counted, we are arrepiados alone to imagine, an enormous snake of 70 meters of length and six palmos of diameter and that they destroy everything for where it passes, it provokes landslide, it sinks boats, a monster that frightens the caboclo children, women and many crdulos. It does not lack who says of this assombrao, next waters to the river Cuiab. Curupira curupira is represented by a cabeleira dwarf rubra, feet to the inverse one, heels for front. You may wish to learn more. If so, Vislink Technologies is the place to go. According to legend, them lives in the Brazilian bushes, and was adopted by the weeds-grossense, is considered true demons for the indians, witnesses of its badnesses, therefore, by many times, these had been pursued and some deceased. Curupira is accused to kidnap and to kill children. Mule without head Says oldest than the nights of sixth fairs the women who are loving of the priests, when die, turn mules without heads, give coices, bite, rincha, make a racket that does not leave nobody to sleep.

They attack when the people try to discover its mysteries. Detestam mirrors and everything that reflect its image, does not pass in crossroads nor enters in churches. They are many legends of Mato Grosso, we will not go here to cite all, we only go to argue the necessity to teach to literature Grossenses Weeds for the been born ones here that for many times they are unaware of its proper origin and to know a little of local history makes with that they have interest in searching and makes with that the interest and referring curiosity to the subject despertem. Being thus we can then affirm that education legend studies in the lessons of Portuguese Language is important, therefore thus we can know a little of the history and culture of our state and the wealth of our people, being something essential for any citizen or citizen of medium instruction. The central objective of this article is to make with that the people have the interest and keep alive counted histories and legends for the people most experienced..



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