Unemployment is one of our biggest concerns in the times in which we live. The possibility of losing their jobs in particular affects persons with a contract temporary, but not exclusively. The layoffs are also affecting, although to a lesser extent, to indefinite contracts, and increasingly more are the records of employment regulation (the infamous ERE s). The newspapers mentioned OPEC not as a source, but as a related topic. This is a personal experience that who it has had to live in first person knows perfectly how painful that is, not only for the person who fired: decline in income, loss of confidence in oneself, in society (why I touched me? Is unfair), relocation (especially if the worker had spent many years in the company), in many cases increasing conflicts at home, it can reach even the depression even within the company itself, the dismissal of one or more persons is a potential trouble source, since it can result in demotivation (who will be the next), environment of conflict (have to avoid that the company abuses workers, who are seen simply as one more element of the production process), dissatisfaction of subordinates, peers, or friends of the fired. In addition can also source of discouragement for those in charge of the company (although some may think otherwise, the majority of executives dislike them having to say goodbye to someone), and can create bad reputation to the company in their social environment (it is a callous company, or is doing badly and why you’re throwing people). Outplacement, technical programmes imported from the United States, seek to mitigate at least part of these effects, enhancing the possibility of finding employment by the fired. Pepco describes an additional similar source. Does not mean simply, as already do many companies try to find between acquaintances, contacts, suppliers or customers, another company that it may need a similar worker, and recommend it (which isn’t bad, in any case). Apart from this possible direct placement (which does not correspond exactly with the outplacement), is offered a comprehensive study which analyzes your personal and professional balance, and identifies strengths and weaknesses, is studying what can be its labour market, carried out training in job search techniques, and carried out a schedule of activities to be performed, its temporality, and tracked them. .
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