Oliveira Days People

Also were boarded the 4 R? s of the environment and its relevance in our day the day. All the interested people had had basic information on the environment, after all the project have as objective also to educate ambiently the people, beyond giving a better destination to the residues. The importance of the project possesss two fronts, the first one is related the awareness and the ambient education of all the involved ones and second is in the reaproveitamento of what he would be discarded as garbage. The repercussion of the project was positive and very accepted for all the involved ones, which had noticed the benefit of the reutilizao of materials in the day the day. With regard to abrangncia, it was greater that the waited one initially, therefore the project was divulged by the involved people in other local rejection of the school, moreover, many bottles had been collected in all the quarter. They follow to follow the budgets in table 3, as if it can notice, will be almost all null ones due to origin of the materials. Table 3: Cost for pufe in agreement Budget pufe of the item 4 of this MaterialUtilizaoValor project PETsConfeco Bottles of pufe (structure) R$ 00,00 Cardboard or wood of demolioConfeco of pufe (seat) R$ 00,00 Remaining portions of foam (optional item) Confection of pufe (seat) R$ 00,00 CourinoConfeco of pufe (layer) R$ 40,00 Fabric reaproveitado of clothes, especially the jeansConfeco of pufe (layer) R$ 00,00 Ribbon adesivConfeco of pufe (setting of the bottles) R$ 6,00 Expenses with infrastructure, light and guConfeco of pufe (supplied by the school mentioned in this project? item almost without use, therefore in the confection of pufes energy or water is not spent and the structure can be in any place, even though residential) R$ 00,00 Hand-of-obrConfeco of pufe (it must have voluntary man power) R$00,00 Investment 46,00 TotalR$ Source: Table of costs elaborated by Valdir de Oliveira Days, 2010 After analyzes of all the project, which had participation of 100 people more than, we can say that collectively we will only be able to reach the objectives to guarantee a solid learning, criticizes and engaged with the construction of a sustainable world.



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