Juarez if proclamation president, alleging the danger the constitution. Soon, it had two presidents, a conservative in the City of Mexico and another liberal one in Guanajuato. Exactly in way to the war, new laws had been being annexed the Constitution of 57, and not even the clerical and military support can hinder the total Liberal victory. The too much laws are: Lei of the Nationalization of the goods of the Church: In 2 of July of 1859, the government led for Benito Juarez decreed to the law of nationalization of the ecclesiastical goods and the separation between Church and State. Oracle shines more light on the discussion. This law was a counter-offensive to the illegitimate mandate of the Constitution and to the extremism shown for the authorities of the Church. Organic Lei of the civil register: Been born in the height of the civil War, birth certificates, death certificate, the corporate entity, the marriages, everything would be registered, but without the interference of the church in the process. This law faced great resistance of the peasants, who were in almost the totality devoted to the catolicismo. Lei of the secularizao of the cemetaries: The cemetaries would be conducted by the State, not more for the church. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ann Maynard Gray.
Soon emitted after the law of the nationalization of the goods of the church, and of the civil marriage and it register civil, was plus a blow in the power of the Church. Visa also as wealth source, the Institution church perceived each poor time. Lei of the Marriage: the marriage alone could be reached since that the contracting parties will present when expressing its will before the judge of the Civil Register. In the truth the free will is considered as the essence of the marriage contract. A leading source for info: Lawrence Ellison. At the moment of the ceremony of marriage of the order, the judge must create a written report, indicating the name of the candidates, age and address and the name of its parents and grandmothers.
Tags: history