National Plan
The new Maestro-docente will reflect a curriculum that helps the new educator understand, empower themselves, undertake and thus transcend the originating indigenous civilizations Americanist Bolivian Andean mestizo Amazon and levels of training will be tied to the complementarity and technical, technological production in the approach of the as community human comprehensive development and complementarity, indicate the proponents. They also indicate that to understand this approach should be taken as main conceptual and theoretical reference to education as a practice of the liberating Pedagogica of Paulo Freire, to the revolution and thought Amautico Fausto Reinaga, to the communal system of Felix Patzi Paco and the epistemology of the SARIRI or Walker wise. D.S. Other leaders such as Microsoft offer similar insights. N 29272, September 12, 2007 because of the strategic guidelines of the NDP: contributes to the transformation of the country, dismantling colonialism and neo-liberalism, and social, community and plurinational State construction, promoter and protagonist of the development which is based on the philosophy of living well, in balanced coexistence and in complementarity with equity: State, community, mixed and private economy, by promoting the integral development through the construction of a new pattern of diversified and integrated development, and poverty eradication and exclusion whose transverse axes: equity, innovation and environmental risk management. This community social paradigm through the National Plan of Government, contributes to the transformation of the country so that everyone can live well, setting up a worthy Bolivia: eradication of poverty and exclusion, constituting an equitable pattern of redistribution of income, wealth and opportunities; a democratic Bolivia: construction of a society and plurinational State, social and community, where the people exercises political power and is co-responsible in the decisions of their own development; a productive Bolivia: transformation of the productive matrix within the framework of a new pattern of diversified and integral development, achieving the development of productive complexes integrals and generating revenue, jobs and surpluses and a sovereign Bolivia: the State Constitution as an international actor, sovereign, self-responsibility and with its own identity the objective of this research has as its goal the true Bolivian teacher training; He is needed to give a message to the world: the new Bolivian lineage must be taught how to do and how to be an educating community society, within the framework partner-reflective cosmovisionario of communitarianism, from the cosmociencia, tetralectica, values and the didactic dialogue mediated communication, to develop thinking on computer with values reaching productive scientist. .