National Body
J.R.S. it took part microphone in hand in a Sun assembly at night of the past 23 of July and invited to other police to " to think with corazn". " I know that many companions of curro support this movimiento" , the agent said. The Police has initiated an investigation to him and could sanction to him with between five days and three months of use suspension and pay. The Municipal Police of Madrid has initiated investigation to an agent who publicly supported to the Movement 15-M in an assembly in the Door of the Sun, to which she could sanction by serious offense with between five days and three months of use suspension and pay.
J.R.S at night took part microphone in hand in a Sun assembly of the past 23 of July, where, among others things invited to his " companions of curro" to leave them indignant they lived his movement with his " pacific madness and solidaria" , and even to " to leave hung the uniform some time and to think not with the head, but with corazn". " I know that many companions of curro support this movimiento" , he said " police indignado" – as it presents/displays the title to him of the video of his intervention hung in Internet, that at the beginning of its speech warned that its message was " personal" and that spoke in its name and " solo" in his name, although next it said that he was " police of Madrid". In a while of the six minutes of speech before the assembly of 15-M, the indignant ones began to corear " police, nete" , to which the agent responded asking to them: " You do not shout much that the same me the game, compaeros". After knowing the opening the file, union CC.OO. has made an official notice public in which it considers " simply intolerable" that the top people in charge of the Municipal Police " they persecute and they punish disciplinarily by ' abuse of atribuciones" to a civil servant who makes manifestations free, truthful and respectful outside its day of trabajo". On the other hand, sources of the Area of Security of the City council of Madrid have informed from which to the agent Statutory law 4/2010 has been applied to him, into 20 of May, of the Regime disciplinary of the National Body of Police, applicable to the local police, by ctuar those declarations crediting its condition of municipal police. " It has not been attempted against the freedom of expression, but the regulation has been applied, that the police cannot not apply " , they have indicated the mentioned sources. Source of the news: Expedientado a municipal police of Madrid that supported publicly to 15-M
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