National Association

It is of this time the proliferation of the concessions without entrance and with stated periods of up to 99 months. According to National Association of the Executives of Finances, Administration and Accounting (Anefac), the indications of that the credit would be coming back to irrigate the economy must be seen with caution and they do not signal a return of the credit to the platforms of the previous period to the crisis. As the Anefac, the loans that are coming back to the square are exactly the ones that offer to greater yield and security for the banks: ‘ ‘ As the interests still are raised and the scene that if draws for next the 12 months is a fall in the Selic tax, the predetermined interests are lucrative them banks to offer credit at this moment. Moreover, with the fall in the basic one of interests, the banks tend to compensate the loss of prescription with the growth in the number of loans. ‘ ‘ This movement is healthful for the economy, but retomada.’ is far from being one; ‘ In the evaluation of the Anefac, the credit is coming back in the operations of lesser risk of insolvency – case of the consigned loans, with payroll withholding of payment, that are one of the modalities safest. The same it occurs with the real estate financings, that are atrelados to a bigger planning on the part of the borrower. The allonge of the stated periods for financing of vehicles, that in some banks came back to be of 72 months (6 years), also reflects a situation of lesser risk for the institutions.

The projection of the Anefac is that the real possibility of that the tax of Selic interests arrives at a 9% platform, with inflation below of 4% to the month exists, to the 2010 end. But the interests in fall and an inflation under control do not mean, necessarily, one Has an optimistical scene, of a steady Country and in growth, but also the perspective of that the economy if keeps desaquecida and of an inflation low due to demand exists. Therefore, produtivo. is necessary to unlock the credit; ‘ The Anefac believes that the true one retaken of the credit will be given when a bigger volume of resources will be available for small the average companies, who are impactadas by the retraction of the financings: ‘ ‘ These operations bring more risks to the banks, but they have a more lasting effect for the economy as one todo’ ‘. As small the average companies are great employers, to stimulate the productive credit would serve to keep ranks of work in all the Country and would attenuate the effect of the fall of the income on the consumption: ‘ ‘ Perhaps at as a moment the banks if come back toward small the average. For the time being, the concern is with the profitability of operaes.



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