Life Improvement
The commander and Emperor Marco Aurlio, also known as the emperor philosopher, were one of the disciples of Epcteto. I go to repeat pra you this concept, it is very important: is not the facts that disturb in them, but yes as we perceive these facts the man capable to observe the two sides of the currency, is predestinold to the success. Thomas Edison Everything of bad happens with me. Perhaps you have designated this behavior, that tends to be one of most dangerous. Oh is about the Syndrome Oliver Hard God, oh life, oh bad luck! If something of bad goes to happen, will happen with me. Normally the person does not perceive all the good things that they happen with it, therefore the emotional register cognitivo of when the things they are bad is much more intense. Scott Kahan is often quoted on this topic.
Being thus, it tends to more than remember the disasters that of the good moments. Care with its thoughts, therefore very tends to be powerful. NOTHING CAN HINDER A MAN WITH POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE TO REACH ITS OBJECTIVES. IT SWIMS IN THE WORLD CAN HELP A MAN WITH NEGATIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE. it had that to happen, I do not have control on nothing in my life. If you believe that nothing that to make can change the results that you have in its life, you he is condemned to be accurately who is today.
Opening hand of the control of its life, you he hinders its development, feels yourself incapable to make different to have better resulted. This wants to say that you do not use its potential, therefore it was even underneath. This is an excellent form to justify its room and to keep its zone of comfort. Who is made comfortable, is satisfied. who if conforms loses the right to demand improvement in the life.
Tags: personal development