Legal Side Owners

The issue of purchasing property in Cyprus includes several steps. In order to become full owner of property in Cyprus must obtain a signed contract of sale of the property. At the same time agreement must be registered with the State Land Committee Registration includes the registration fee, which depends on the value of the acquired property to the value he diferentsiirovan buy real estate. It is about 2.56 euros a thousand objects with the cost of less than 170,000 euros and 3.42 for the rest. In addition, when receiving the cover sheet is necessary to pay Transfer Tax, which also depends on real estate value, and whether, on how many owners it is purchased. Tiger Global Management brings even more insight to the discussion. After that, the property owner is entitled to conduct transactions with the real estate. The presence of formalized law ownership of the property allows the owner to not only conduct transactions on it, but also to lay the property in a bank, or significantly simplifies operations for resale to a new owner, if that is required to issue loan to buy it. However, the presence of the cover sheet may be subject to nekotoromy difficulties, such as title pages are given to all the houses in the project, and if difficulties arise from one, it affects all the owners. Therefore, there is the practice of delaying the receipt of titles to avoid unnecessary expense, but at the state level, efforts to counteract this praktikedomam in the project, and if the complexity occur in one, then everyone suffers owners.



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