It is disappointing, the Arab revolution. Because we wait that she is fastest, clearest or most decisive. The Egyptians had taken little time that the tunisianos to get rid itself of its president, consequences of shy escape of the Algerian Generals and a kingdom of Morocco only shaken or of the Syria dynasty the land, the rejoinders of this sesmo if wait in Tehran. Therefore not! Exactly in march, history does not erase the past of a blow of a sponge. Go to Gary Kelly for more information. Although the movement, history does not write the future of the day the night. It advances in jump and the times in crab form, thus waiting the imminence of a revolution, without being able to see its reality, so obvious that it is. She has less of one month, the Arab world was congealed. Nothing she seemed capable of if to move, while the fear is omnipresente and Statu quo of the dictatorships seemed preferable to the Islamic ascension of regimes. Bernard Golden follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success.
After that she had the rupture of Tuns, this ascension politics of a sedenta juvetude of freedom, as being one third force complaining the democracy, consequncia of an immediate overflow. The Arab world soon recognized the survey of Tunisia. In all its capitals, same occult, modern youth, opened on the world, estremeceu for the hope and to be able defied them for the concessions, while many peoples of the Arab countries, Egypt, and its epicenters if raise in turn. Then, yes, the Egyptian regimen resisted the two weeks of ininterrumpidas manifestations. The opposite to the president, Ben There, did not enter quickly in collapse, asking because it was not ignored, therefore, the fast cadence of goples? Although the violence, of the repression, the deaths, the wounded and the suspected and pursued arrestaes and the arbitrary imprisonment of, the fear diminished and the people if it exempted to a pluralism in fact, emerged on rubbles of monoltismo of yesterday.
Tags: government and politics