International Association
Every year more and more people learn about the program Au-Pair. Someone saw the transmission on television, someone read a newspaper article, and some friends already went on this program in the U.S., Germany or France, and had to share impressions about what he saw. For anybody not a secret that the Au-Pair – this is a great chance for young people a year to live in European or American family, to improve language skills, travel and even go to university. However, since participants – young people between the ages of the 18 to 25ti years, many of them serious obstacle is a natural fear of the new country, with potential problems. Continue to learn more with: Oracle. That's why we decided to elaborate on the guarantees Security in this program. For a start I would like to mention that the Au-Pair – This is the official international program, which operates around the world since 1969. That's when the French city of Strasbourg was signed international treaty which defined the statute and rules of the program.
Details on the conditions of the program you can read here. Embassies of each country shall issue a special visa program Au-Pair to young people interns on legal grounds. In all countries, program members enjoy all the rights and duties of citizens and are protected by the government. Not even worth talking about that in western Europe social protection is not such an abstraction, as in Ukraine. But that's not all – especially for the program was created by Institute of Agencies Au-Pair.
Each country participating in the program, there is an agency that serves as the guarantor the rights of participants. All agencies are different from each other, but the basic criteria of professionalism remain the same: first – a reasonable price. Since the goal of the program Au-Pair – the study of language and culture, its value should be accessible to all. For example, the cost of the Agency Au-Pair in Germany is only 80 euros in the U.S. – $ 500, of which 200 – refundable deposit. The second item that you want to look for when choosing the agency is careful preparation for future Au-Pair and the host families for long-term cohabitation, explanation of the differences between cultures, warning of possible problems. That is why our agency is fully informed of their clients about all the details of the program. Agency Au-Pair – official representative of the International Association of Agencies Au-Pair IAPA in Ukraine – we will be happy to provide you with professional support.
Tags: education, Foreign Languages ??