Renato Veras Rio De Janeiro 2011 I dedicate this work, to the memory of my perpetual angels of the guard, my grandmothers, main the responsible ones for the accomplishment of this dream. GRATEFULNESS I thank the God first, for giving health, force to me and not to leave to fraquejar me at the moments most difficult of my life. To mine loved and warlike mother (Maria of Ftima Fonseca), example of love, friendship, overcoming, force, goodness, character and justice. You gave life to me for you I give my life to it! Debtor for teaching to me (since child) to have limits, hierarchy and responsibility Today understand I you.
To my father-grandmothers (Landolfo Fonseca Sobrinho and Janete Made Fonseca), responsible for my personal, professional formation and spiritual. Impossible to describe what I feel for vocs, we only know what we live. To my twin soul, my safe port, my wife Rosana Srvulo, synonymous of fellowship, admiration, friendship, devotion and of the true love. To all my cousins, in special loved prime and the brothers (Dr. Fabrcio Fonseca Binda and Barbarous Dr Fonseca Binda), friends since infancy. Carriers of an uneven personality, always having that to surpass obstacles of the life, true victorious warriors.
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