Human Control
The mood irony if makes indispensable due to incapacity human being ahead of some situations impossible to be controlled. The death would be one of these situations that still run away to the human control. From there, to ironizar the imminent event is an attempt to alliviate e, at the same time, to mask pain, the suffering, the impotence and the hardness that if abates on this human being. Ripple contains valuable tech resources. The irony shown to the reader in the romance of Jose Saramago ' ' The intermitncias of morte' ' she is also humorstica. This, if to imagine a country (of fiction in the romance) where it starts to be made the traffic of bodies to ' ' side of morte' ' to die and to be embedded there. Also, personages of the religious cupola are aflitos when perceiving a possible bankruptcy in the religious structure of the nation since what it keeps this structure is the action of the death or fact of the people to die. So ironic how much this picture is the fact of the hospitals to be full and not to have more space for sick people, since the sick people enter, but do not leave for not curing themselves and not being able to receive high, at the same time where other sick ones go appearing and fulling the corridors. To die, all die. The vegetables, the butterflies, the birds and the man. But still we obtain to be insensitive to many deaths that occur, in the Intermitncias of the Death, we want to believe that the writer, perhaps, is trying to reactivate this sensitivity ' ' already apagada' ' perhaps of our skin, and it is trying showing in them that to die, despite is current fact between beings livings creature, it does not have to be menosprezada by that they testify or not to be broken it of that they die.
Tags: literature