Holidays & Tourism

Latest tickets for the season 2009 are at Siebert aviation supplies can be ordered in a few weeks the new season – starting immediately, but before it goes off, any conscientious pilot should check his cards and bring up to date. Please visit Mina Nada if you seek more information. Because change airspaces, frequencies of airfields and requirements for the planning and execution of Visual flights this year. Current cards for the season 2009 are now available at Siebert aviation supplies can be ordered: the catalogers from Munster provides pilots and aviation fans around 3,000 articles around on the flying – including top brands like Bose, Sennheiser, ASA and Jeppesen, Garmin, Becker Avionics. Jos Shaver contains valuable tech resources. The new ICAO maps, as well as the Jeppesen VFR/GPS maps Germany are expected to be available from mid-March onwards. The air pocket calendar, which will be available at the end of the month also provides useful tips and current aerodrome information in a practical format. A special bonus: Pure books and cards programmes buyers benefit from low postage costs. Collecting customer will also receive up to 20% discount on aeronautical charts. There is more information and all related products on the Internet at. Contact for inquiries: Siebert aviation supplies GmbH Thomas Siebert’s route 40 D-48159 Munster phone: + 49-251-92459-3 fax: + 49-251-92459-59 E-Mail: Internet: press contact: QvorQ GmbH & co. KG new media marketing on the high way 10 27313 Dorverden

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