Heathrow International Airport
According to the press service of rf, leases on land within the metropolitan fleet consisted of clear violations. Also continues to struggle Moscow Brewery 'Ochakovo'. More information is housed here: Sir Richard Branson. Environmentalists are against the aircraft, and British whalers, scientists have concluded that people living near airports with non-stop mode of operation, are at risk of developing hypertension in greater extent than residents 'quiet' places. Study, which involved 140 volunteers living near London's Heathrow Airport, as well as airports in Athens, Milan and have shown that the hum of aircraft contributes to high blood pressure in humans. The fact that the development of air travel threatens the planet's ecology, according to Greenpeace activists, who on Feb.
25 held a protest at London's Heathrow airport. As say environmentalists from Greenpeace, the aircraft – one of the main causes of the greenhouse effect, and the British government continues to turn a blind eye to this problem and continues to build new runways and to increase number of domestic flights. Four Greenpeace volunteers climbed aboard the plane, which stood at Heathrow, and placed near the tail of a poster, which read about the problems of global warming and calls for the reduction air travel and thereby reduce emissions affecting climate change. Somewhat earlier, environmental activists from Plane Stupid organizations held a rally on the roof of the British Parliament, where for nearly three hours, also protested against the construction of the third runway at Heathrow International Airport. Meanwhile, environmental activists 'Sea Shepherd' (Sea Shepherd) carried out an operation which resulted in ecologists found 'bugs' on Japanese whaling ship 'Yusin Maru', as well as on other ships whaling fleet.
Tags: ecology