Haris Hadi

Almost everyone is familiar with Yes the tendency to tasks which one has little desire to to move, be it an unpleasant call, the tax return, a letter of thanks. Here, it helps to realize, that the task must be done, and what profit pulling it, do it. The mechanics of on trafficking are marked in childhood. At some point in life, it was helpful not just to get the things done, later such an attitude but only leads to inner pressure. Therefore you decide now to do unpleasant things, or at least to start. It helps circumstances to plan an activity for a longer period of time and to work ten minutes daily. The ten minutes are over very quickly, is progressing well and can be focused on his work. Apart from the fact that the job is done, is also a good feeling, when no longer sits one of any application or the tax return in the neck.

Who very tends to postpone things, really no good his concentration. Under certain circumstances, read: why not just? Emergency aid in judgment”by Neil Fiore, there get some helpful tips on how to handle the problem. It deals specifically with this issue and offers many useful tips. There are also some small rules, providing relief for judgment. A rule is always ready to do unpleasant things, best at the beginning of the day.

The motivation to make in this form of the work is that you then simply has it behind him and can turn to other free and cheerful things. It must be clear just one, how nice it is no longer the disturbing to have to think about things. If you have to fight with laundry mountains, for example, you can enable its washing machine right after waking up. This of course also applies to other areas. If you need to fill out a form for the IRS if you need to write an important letter or something else in this way, can you use this method. A second rule that guaranteed helps against on trafficking, is what is less than two, everything It takes minutes to make. With the time you accustomed then, to do these small things. It’s amazing how many activities are very short, but still be postponed. It goes E.g. quickly once to clear away a coffee cup, instead of perhaps a few days later lost again to find and to be reminded of his shortcomings. Of course there are also other examples, like unanswered greetings, the request you to fill out the the Cabinet, which must be cleaned up so badly who. Certainly something you, or? It’s also nice when one first enters all beautiful, that it is seeking in his schedule. Disappears quickly feel that life consists only of troublesome obligations, and indeed, there is still much time for beautiful. Be tolerant with yourself but in any case. The on trafficking helped you at some point in life and you can reprogram yes today is”. Haris Hadi, 365motivation.de

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