Globalization Management Opportunities
The truth is relative, the net is absolute. The management of any company anywhere in the world where this acting, cannot ignore that globalization represents in all activities economic, commercial, our interest in analysis, in order to determine what its effects, challenges, opportunities, threats that arise. Be considered, that globalization is not a new process, is not a product of the century XX i. There was a first wave of globalization from the late 1800s until the first world war. The second wave of globalization more active is that we are living now. It starts then it breaks or collapses the Berlin wall by putting an end to the era called the cold war.
Now the world is not faced by ideological reasons, nor military, confrontation is by the conquest of markets and by the conquest of knowledge, within a global or planetary vision that is facilitated thanks to the revolution of information technology and communications to analyze its scope, development, it is important to understand the impact of globalization in the three most important aspects of development: social, to determine how a social balance in this new progress of humanity towards the conquest of new goals, in that new society will be the knowledge society can be achieved. The economic impact, to assess how it can achieve economic development fair and which is sustainable in terms of the environment, i.e., the preservation of the minimum conditions which ensure a reasonable quality of life, in environmental terms. Finally, the political impact of globalization, as external conditioning factor that obviously will affect changes in our political institutions to efficiently face the new global realities. The impact of globalization and its tendency to eliminate the ethical orders, morales, and local politicians for not being global, has had the following visible consequences: Denial of the importance of the National States, regardless of that have been well or poorly managed.
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