Frick Markus Frick
Stock market coach Markus Frick on the current situation on the 30.01.09 who know the markets not so right is for which direction should decide, although the DAX in the plus is. We had a low trade level, which shows that investors hold currently further back in the past few days again. It simply unique signals are missing in this market environment, because currently, everything is possible. These signals would be overbought or through selling situations, which we currently don’t have in the market. Indicator side cannot be said, whether we go now back towards 5,000 points or 4,000 points. Good news came from Commerzbank, which needs apparently no new let.
This is also the reason why Commerzbank can grow back a little. Also Deutsche Bank and Postbank be pulled them upwards, but you can’t give nevertheless still all-clear. The banking industry is still strongly attached and will need several months or maybe even years to recover. And the world. What we still lack is confidence in the markets and in our Government, therefore short-term gains are taken very quickly.
As long as this scenario dominated the markets, is not to assume that we will see a greater increase in the DAX. The uncertainty ahead of possible bank failures and Government insolvencies is still very high, so more investors into the safe haven of gold taking refuge. We can only advise you to keep your feet still, because the situation on the world markets coming to a head more and more day by day and it is only a matter of time until the next bad news put strongly to the markets. But then even the best times are to think the one or other position in the depot and we will do that too with our subscribers. Markus Frick Markus Frick became a self-taught one of the best-known and most successful stock market professionals in Germany. Creativity, discipline, hard work and a special flair for the challenges of the financial markets were the basis for this success. As a trading coach with strong Team offers a portfolio unique in the industry Markus Frick today along with books, seminars and DVDs for beginners for advanced investors. Using state of the art information technology Frick offers its customers instructions, tips, and strategies as a 24-hour service: daily exchange letters, e-mail and video-hotlines, latest updates, SMS information, individual support by telephone and email, seminars and conferences the company accompanied by investors professionally on the parquet. You will find more tips on the stock exchange here:…
Tags: business & economy, trade