Federal Government
The same requirements must apply for the energetic use of palm oil in high-efficiency CHP as for Palm oil in food or cosmetics. Climate change is running out the consultation process of the Federal Government on sustainability. With reference to international rules, it is no longer done. Now we need a German initiative for EU-wide rules. Instead, Bruderle warns against competitive disadvantages for German economy through the climate protection plans, which could become a competitive advantage for the European economy but just. How? Ethics of sells”- would mean it for the Freidemokraten if he accomplished same import conditions by a transparent certification system for all.
“Who import more palm oil from plantations of peat soil, previously the rainforest as unused wasteland” declared, burning off, indigenous peoples sells and perpetuates the disastrous life cycle assessment of greenhouse gases, which should entirely are hindered by the missing bio seal imports. A decisive and Finally trading policy could also the development of gammel certificates”before coming. The same requirements must apply for the energetic use of palm oil in high-efficiency CHP as for Palm oil in food or cosmetics. Otherwise, the palm oil flows would only move. To next-generation bio-fuels like wood, straw and manure are cheaper than fossil diesel will help only one: reduce the own consumption and improve energy efficiency. The 27 members of the EU must be also about financial incentives to the producing countries. Because who wants clean palm oil, which must pay also the prize for development, which is the charge of post colonialism before. PETER EWERS
Tags: climate & environment, energy, enforce vegetable oil - sustainability