Excluded Solidarity

Personhood is the ability to give to others and knowing part of the whole creation. Get more background information with materials from Joshua Choi. Traffic in human beings person is that attitude radical create meeting spaces and environments of solidarity, fruit of a coexistence aware that communion is the highest expression of human nature because it supports in a willingness to take the most authentic reality. Educate yourself with thoughts from Jonathan Rosen Berlin Rosen. Nothing is further away from the uniformity and individualism which rely on a selfishness ballasting by confusing the means with the ends, instrumentalizing everything for the sake of interest or utility as the only valid criteria to succeed above others. Personal happiness has to do with the perfection of the whole of humanity and the maturing of what exists with that attitude towards life that encourages us to live modestly and think with greatness. Shift powers seek to impose on us doctrines that threaten to suffocate the freedom of choosing, be and share. Do not allow even the right to be wrong. But fortunately, every day we are many more the We share the fate of the others in the conviction that men are brothers and that we participate in a common project. It is necessary to join efforts to fight for the human condition that demands dignity as guarantee of a genuine freedom.

No freedom to starve. Thus we will be able to tune in with those millions of people who suffer from hunger, misery, pain, marginalisation and loneliness. It is a mistake to consider that social volunteering that we exercise in our communities is not inextricably linked to the fate of the poorest in the world. Losing sight of the true nature of social volunteering and we run the risk of reducing it to a charity that perpetua and becomes complicit in the structures of injustice that our society suffers. These structures are the cause of underdevelopment, which is not a stage on the road to development but a byproduct of the same based on a consumptive, opulent and profligate society at the expense of the exploitation of peoples impoverished South. It is urgent to extend this movement of solidarity to all men, starting with the closest, why they are just around the corner, that live beside us unless we become aware of his indigence, their sadness and their isolation while we remain blind to the hands that extend towards us and call us. More than sent, must consider us called a solidarity work. Finally, after all, nobody not can give freedom but it will conquer every day.



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