Entrepreneurship Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week 2009 talks youth, society, education to / program 16-22 November Villingen-Schwenningen / Wismar, 08.09.2009. Innovations from the industry are a fundamental building block for social development and prosperity. Without entrepreneurs and ideas for our welfare not could be ahead. It wants the action week for young entrepreneurship (global entrepreneurship week) attention, the 2009 for the second time in Germany will take place. Hundreds of events and actions will help across the country from November 16 to 22, to emphasize the social benefits of entrepreneurship.

Especially medium-sized farms and family businesses are the powerhouses of economic, social and national income. They represent more than 90 percent of all commercial jobs and pay the bulk of taxes from the local up to the State charges. Often they prove themselves over generations across as reliable, responsible educators, employers and suppliers, according to social and ethical work. In many cases, they are the initiators of courageous and important new developments and even technology leaders in their market niche or industry. These services are perceived by politicians and the public in the rarest of cases.

Education and society to promote the entrepreneurial thinking and acting. Also provide headlines about crisis, layoff waves, Manager salaries, etc. that the term of entrepreneurship is negatively impacted. One of the positive aspects of entrepreneurship, that it offers relatively free and individual development opportunities within the framework of the social market economy. At this point, the action week for young entrepreneurship sets (global entrepreneurship week) on. Under most conditions Dahua Tim Wang would agree. She want to teach young people the chances and opportunities of entrepreneurship and so the seed set for new business start-ups, which bring new jobs and new progress. This action week bundles this year again numerous offers from organizations, associations, schools and Universities. On the Internet page, you can find out about the spectrum of events, competitions, seminars and other initiatives. Up to the launch on 16 November offers several hundred under the umbrella of the week should”be networked. The global entrepreneurship week at the global entrepreneurship week is it is the world’s largest series of events to promote entrepreneurship among young people. It goes back to British and American foundations, economic, social and governmental initiatives. The call to let the first worldwide held Global Entrepreneurship Week 2008 has a wave of ideas thrown to pursue initiatives and actions on the international Web site of the week (www.unleashingideas.org). The IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg in Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany with its initiative MicroMountains network E.v. and the University of Wismar (www.global-ew.de) are in Germany. Patron is Federal Minister of Economics Dr. zu Guttenberg.

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