
Only the great effort carried out during these years has allowed us to be able to put our success at the disposal of other entrepreneurs. We think that the success not only resides in offering at every moment the best service; also it is necessary to know how to sell it. For this reason, we have perfected constantly numerous aspects of the business, related to the commercial area, frequently forgotten by our competition, being very rigorous yet the related thing to the formula that we offer whoever to prevail with us. One treats, besides a profitable business, because the invoicing considered for the average franchise-holder is of about 70,000 Euros to the year, with a term of amortization considered in about 20 months. In addition, the generation of portfolio of clients with fixed services, as they are those related to the internal and external communication, supposes a monthly permanent rent to the franchise-holder; something similar to which of the insurance agents happens to portfolio, in which clients who did at the time continue providing commission while they belong in the company. More Red Puzzle information is the fruit of the restlessness and the work of a multidisciplinary group of the world of marketing, the communication, the design, cartelera digital and the consultancy. The initial investment to become franchise-holder is of 15,000, including the entrance canon. This canon includes the course of initial formation and all the equipment necessary to begin the activity..



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