Ed Company National Publishing

For a true change we would have that to move in all the society, since we are regrados by the culture, ‘ ‘ the rice you little the my pylon primeiro’ ‘ as the illustrious Dr. Aristides Ribas de Andrade says Son, professor of philosophy and ethics of the Law school of Varginha. Being thus, the individualism is also a generator of the violence due to the indifference of all the society. ‘ ‘ What it matters is that any morality of sociological exploration, of the empirical generalization the causal explanation, conceptual represents the reality through properties that are essentials for the pure empirical description of the existing order in the manifestation of the phenomena sociais’ ‘ (CARDOSO, PG31) Brazil is a very new State still has only 500 years, however, we have much that to make since tomorrow it starts today, and our future depends on our discernment and of our commitment with the society that we want stops in and our children. ‘ ‘ We know that it had a long evolution in the moral conscience, since the day of the primitive man until the present time. This process, testifies it, in the continuation of the history of some peoples, the lack of moral principles that we consider basic for the culture and civilizao.



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